MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1986) Discussion > How cheesey is this crap?

How cheesey is this crap?

Other than Queen's involvement and the rather awesome scene transitions, this movie has no redeeming features.

Questionable direction.

Terrible acting.

Poor dialogue.

Crappy stunts.

Laughable VFX.

Have no idea why fanboys hold it in high regards.

At least Flash Gordon was intentionally camp.


While I agree with everything you stated above, I am still a fan of this somewhat crappy cheesefest.

Thit and thpin!




Guessing you are too young to have seen it in theater. Got keep in mind that the 80's were pretty cheesy.....this was like one that would come on the fromage platter at a fine French restaurant though.


period considered, it was a visual treat.

later, on re-watch, it gets real cheesy at times, but it has stronger nostalgia value than most 80s action films.

it is like laughing now at mel gibson's terrible mullets in lethal weapon and lethal weapon 2. when we were seeing it in the theater it was plain normal, and all we could think of was the unstoppable action and groundbreaking(for the time) visuals.

"It doesn't matter what Bram Stoker has told you... dead people don't come back from their graves"


it is like laughing now at mel gibson's terrible mullets in lethal weapon and lethal weapon 2. when we were seeing it in the theater it was plain normal, and all we could think of was the unstoppable action and groundbreaking(for the time) visuals.

I wasn't even born yet when Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 were released but I never had a problem with Mel's mullet (in fact I think it's awesome) and I still consider them amazing action movies.

Now his mullet in Lethal Weapon 3...that was a little silly.

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...


is not your kind of movie that is cool,I thought it was an awesome movie

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Batfleck and Gal Gadot will Prevail


You forgot to mention the stupidity-filled, corny and amazingly repulsive plot.

Any plot that forces friends to kill each other, is a bad plot. What "prize" would be worth murdering your friend?

Is this movie saying no one has free will, and they can't simply CHOOSE NOT TO KILL ANYONE? Sure, they might be killed, but what if a group of friends survives - then they could just not kill each other, and live happily ever after, couldn't they?

Then again, existing in one incarnation for the rest of Earth's life (I assume they WOULD be killed when the Earth reaches the end of its physical manifestation this time) could be enough to make one crazy. That is actually one reason why we have incarnations and then non-bodily existence as well (this even happens on a micro scale during our daily lives - we are out of the body during the sleep-phase). No one could stand being either inside a body or outside a body for too long a period - we need the variety, we need the change, until we evolve into higher beings (level three beings don't need physical bodies anymore, and level two beings are partially free of them already - the beings of this planet are mostly nearing the second half of level one).

The whole premise is ludicrous, the movie is just glorifying violence and of course it has injected romance DESPITE showing us that 'romances don't really work with beings that exist for thousands of years in the same incarnation' - but of course the 'prize' made it all possible, and it's all good. According to the idiotic hollyweird standards, that is.

In the movie, nothing is really explained very well anyway - why would the whole premise even happen? What are these 'eternal' beings? Why would anyone willingly go through it? What happens, when they die (in comparison to regular people)? What is actually resolved?

I think this movie is just another thoughtless 'rock video' that doesn't really deserve this much processing of its plot - the writers certainly didn't give it much.


Other than Queen's involvement and the rather awesome scene transitions, this movie has no redeeming features.

Don't forget Michael Kamen's beautiful and epic score.

As for most of the film, I agree with you. This movie certainly hasn't aged too well.


Oh, come one; it's pure pulpy fun! Not everything has to be Citizen Kane. It makes about as much sense as The Matrix, though with more shattering glass.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!
