MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1986) Discussion > How cheesey is this crap?

How cheesey is this crap?

Other than Queen's involvement and the rather awesome scene transitions, this movie has no redeeming features.

Questionable direction.

Terrible acting.

Poor dialogue.

Crappy stunts.

Laughable VFX.

Have no idea why fanboys hold it in high regards.

At least Flash Gordon was intentionally camp.


Cheese makes everything better.


Actually, Queen added extra cheesiness to this flick. It was hard not to think of that Flash Gordon movie because of them...


OP, I can answer this. It's because the movie's central message is that, if your life involves swords, magic, sex and heavy metal-esque music, you -- and your life -- are automatically awesome.

Look at Connor MacLeod: he's a master swordsman, women love him, he has magical powers, and his home in New York is basically a D&D nerd's wet dream. And wherever he goes, there's epic music playing.

Seriously... with that in mind, is there any wonder why teenage and 20-something geeks love Highlander so much?

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


Look at Connor MacLeod: he's a master swordsman

Well, he's a swordsman. Certainly not a very good one though.

In the 80's, he barely looked any better with a sword than when Connery trained him 500 years earlier.


By all means, tell us what films you like. I was a kid when this came out and I love it to this day.

There aren't any movies that were made before I was born (which is probably your case with The Hilander) that I feel one bit disgusted with enough that I have to log on to imdb and rant about how silly it is.

Go play outside or something, lol.


LIES! Highlander is the greatest film of all time!

You are the naked angel in my heart.


what the hell is wrong with a little cheese? that's the problem with movies today, they are no fun at all.

I wouldn't have it any other way. obiously this film has a huge fanbase so seems your in the minority.


this movie has no redeeming features

The photography, though uneven, is quite inspired in parts.


Apart from Queen's songs, it's terrible.

Even crap movies have a cult following. Look at Flash Gordon.
