MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > Hollywood, where's the remake?

Hollywood, where's the remake?

The jackasses in Hollywood remake every terrible movie under the sun, and have a massive hardon for comic book movies. It's time for the second coming of Howard the Duck.



I don't think this film was terrible, but I do agee. A remake would suit well. Maybe If Howard was like Paul fom this film -

If Seth MacFarlane can make a movie about a teddy bear coming to life and get critics to love it then why not?

Goth for LIFE!


Remake was made any years ago but they take off Howard the Duck and it was called "Men In Black"


And see my post regarding my idea for a remake - see- it was the pug that made the movie "Men in Black" - "Howard, the Pug" - maybe with a cameo by Howard the Duck -


Q: Where's the remake?

A: The lowest circles of hell where it belongs.


this is a movie that need a remake


I think maybe a great twist to it - Howard - the Pug! I would give it 4 snorts up -


I don't think this will happen, but an R rated animated movie might be nice. If they made a MARVEL CIVIL WAR animated movie, I think a cameo would be funny. I think he appeared briefly in the comic version.


Thats the thing, hollywood remakes only good movies that dont actually need a remake. The bad movies that should get a reboot/remake are left untouched.


Not going to say anything major here but...Keep your eyes open while watching the latest Marvel movie.
