MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > Why was this movie a flop?

Why was this movie a flop?

Why was this movie considered a flop? I thought it was a really funny and enjoyable movie to watch and it deserved a much better reputation than it recieved.


The movie made a lot in the theaters, it was considered well liked when it came out.

Everyone who honestly see's it now enjoys it and isn't really annoyed or mad at it, it was made prior to knowing most common knowledge of special effects. So there really isn't any CGI.

The only place this film "flopped" was after theater sales and views.

It's only a flop to people who aren't aware of the facts that make the film really great. Like it's based on a great comic. The special effects were based on really cool ideas that translate great to screen, but if you discount the ideas you would probably do something like I heard of in the past. Once I heard a person comment about the part with the tunnel that dragged Howard through space.

They were like "That's so fake, Lasers can't do that, that's dumb how could that happen?! Man such a stupid concept he would die of suffication in space... Man I can't stand these cheesy costumes...F why was he designed after a puppet!?!? Dude that's so dumb, that he could survive that trip".

Like he was so ignorant to the fact, it's a conceptual idea in a story, not based on facts. What happened was the prototype laser created a magnetic field so strong around Howard he was in less then 20 seconds sent to Earth. It protected him. And at the time that was the greatest costume ever, because now they use CGI which looks to me like that costume looks to you. On the watchmen, yeah, I can't really enjoy it from the shattily designed blue person. He's fake. Howard was real. End of factual argument.

The point is, it's a comic book. They did a great job repping that.

On the new X Men films they didn't and they haven't with Spiderman either, it's supposed to be extravagantly ostentatious, not emotionally realistic on a relationship base. F relationships that are less superficial then Howards and Beverly's in comic book movies. Your not supposed to learn, your supposed to enjoy the actions.

And how could you not enjoy the cop chase with the glider? That was one of the greatest chase scenes in movie history.


This movie, like "Earth Girls Are Easy"and "My Stepmother is an Alien" and many others of their ilk is a product of 80's smaltz. I grew up with it and that's why I liked it(the song wasn't too bad either). I was twenty five when this came out and I thought it was the cutest thing, but I guess not enough kids and twenty something's went to see it or it wasn't marketed to the right crowd, so it flopped moneywise.

I say to each his own when it comes to movies, if you loved it like I did and might watch it whenever it's shown on TV, that's great. If you hated it and never want to watch it again...that's up to you. All I know is there are worse movies out there than "Howard the Duck."


I've thought of this film as a fun movie and I especially loved the scenes when Jeffrey Jones' character was transforming into a monster


At the end of the day, who really gives a *beep* if it was a flop? The average moviegoer has always had atrocious taste...


It didn't make a lot of money in theaters, what are you, on drugs?


Because it was, and still is, a piece of crap.


Keep in mind Hollywood also considers profit to be the percentage of the increase of your money. Take what the movie made, then divide it by the budget. Then multiply by 100.

the Blair Witch Project use to be the most successful box office movie. It cost just 60 grand, then made 248 million. That’s a 414,333 percent return on investment. Paranormal Activity recently took the top spot.

Howard the duck probably would be consider a success with the same script, and same box office sales if it had only a 10 million dollar budget.


"Why was this movie a flop?"

Do you really have to ask this question?

I just wonder if they REALLY thought a movie about a talking duck from another planet would be successful?


Now a movie with a talking raccoon was a blockbuster

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"




Because everything about it sucked duck dick?


I didn't realise this movie was so badly hated. I loved it in about 1990 I had it on VHS and must of seen it 20 times + back then.

I re-watched it recently and it's a pretty weird film to be honest, obviously not what I remembered from being 6 years old! Still not the worst film of all time, the actors were all pretty good and you can't go wrong in a movie when the badguy can extend his tongue over a metre long and charge himself up from the cigarette lighter!
