Pack Mentality

Of course, taste is a subjective concept, however I cannot help but feel that when many people mark this film as being 'The worst film ever',it is because they have heard the same from others over the years. As a kid, I loved this film as did many of my contemporaries, and when I watched it a couple of years back ready to have my childhood shattered by 'The worst film ever' I was pleasantly surprised. In my opinion it is a fun and wacky piece of innocence. Children have better imaginations than grown ups I guess...Anyway, each to their own...

"A man drinks like that, and he doesn't eat, he is GOING TO DIE!"-Sheriff Bart
"When"-The Waco Kid




I liked it when I was a kid, then I read the comics and come to understand all the hate. It really didn't do the comics justice at all.

"Rock is dead! Long live Paper and Scissors!"



There is no pack mentality. It was hyped up and the final film was poor with one good gag that was funny.

Its that man again!!


No, Batman and Robin is bad. Even if you consider what is was trying to be, which was silly and campy, it's still terrible. An overlong piece of garbage. It doesn't know whether it's for kids or for adults, with it's tone jumping all over the place. Howard the Duck, on the other hand, is a pretty consistent movie, It is was it is, and isn't ashamed of that. The only complaint I have, like Batman and Robin, it doesn't know who it's for. Kids or adults. Which is too bad. If it had stuck with the comics and was unabashedly adult it could have been awesome, instead we got an okay mess.



It doesn't have to fit into a category, but it should at least have a consistent tone. And by "for kids or adults", I mean the humor. It's dirty and then very childishly goofy. It's like the Garbage Pail Kids with some sex jokes thrown into it. I'm not a prude, but these jokes should at least serve some purpose, and that purpose would be to make me laugh, but they were pretty lame. It's like Transformers 2, trying to have the widest appeal possible and as a result you get a sucky movie.


I think you are way too hard on "Batman and Robin" and I do think it knows what it wants to be and pulls it of all right. The movie has it's share of shortcomings but it's not nearly as bad as you make it sound to be.


Herd mentality. You mean herd mentality.

Pack = wolves. Dominant.

Herd = sheep. Submissive.

Whoopee, I write comics:


No pack mentality is commonly used, in a wolf pack there is one alpha leader, whatever the alpha deems accetable the other wolves will comply with.....

"If they move......Kill 'em!"


True. This movie is, if nothing else, a pure artifact of 80s pop culture. If you look back on that period with fondness, you might enjoy this movie. If not, it might seem like it's trying WAY to hard to be hip by 80s standards, and not succeeding very well. I was too old for this back then, so it doesn't really work for me.


"Howard the Duck" was OK but not that funny, and in hindsight was a bit of a cop out when compared to the source material. It wasn't meant to be for kids, but it works somehow as a kids' flick, regardless.

Which is why I don't understand the comparison with Batman & Robin. That one is a failure on every level. Even as a kid back in '97 I felt this was all kinds of wrong, on so many levels. The writing in Howard the Duck was half-decent, in B&R it was abysmal.



It's somewhat comparative. There are many cheap low budget pieces of crap that are worse, but few big budget pieces of crap that are worse. There are, though (Adventures of Pluto Nash, anyone)?

I was mildly entertained by it, but it was a bomb by any standard.


I'll just repeat what others said, one of my favorites as a kid. I don't see how it didn't make money off the kids alone that loved watching it.
