MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > Doug Masters VS. 'Maverick'

Doug Masters VS. 'Maverick'

Who would win a dogfight? Masters in his Falcon or Maverick in his Tomcat.

Or even if they had the same fighters (just to compare pure skill). I understand "Maverick" was the best, but Masters had "the touch".

"Maverick" might win if Doug didn't have the corny tapes to listen to.

All things being equal, I go with Doug Masters.


Maverick wins, because his movie had a bigger budget and sold more tickets. That’s the only reason why these trogs are voting for him in what is not an objective assessment of the respective skills of the two pilots, which is literally impossible until or unless we put them in identical planes in identical conditions; this is PURELY a popularity contest. It is meaningless, as was the OP that spawned it.
