So Dated.

I'm watching this film right now on AMC. It's the first time I've seen it since the 1980's.

I thought this movie was hysterical back then, and it still is.

However, in rewatching it now, it's dated in SO many areas. Just watching this brings back memories of the 80's.

Some examples:

-Anita Morris' character puts the (what she believes is the blackmail tape) in a top-loading VCR.

-When Barbara tries to call 911 from Ken and Sandy's house, the operator asks where she's calling from. (Nowadays, a 911 operator can trace any landline automatically).

-The police lab uses a book to visually identify tire tracks found at the scene. I mean, you don't see a single computer in the film.

-The price of a VCR, listed at over $300.

Anyone else pick out any little things in the film that simply scream out 1980's?


What? A movie from 1986, being watched in 2016 is dated?
