MovieChat Forums > Stand by Me (1986) Discussion > A movie like this would never get made t...

A movie like this would never get made today

Why doesn't Hollywood make good films like this anymore? A movie that still deeply affects people 30 years later? Instead we get reboots of comic book characters, endless derivative remake f/x crapfests, sequels of sequels. Will the kids of today look back on 2016 movies with the same fondness 30 years from now? I doubt it. It would be a miracle to make a movie like "Stand by Me" today. The conglomerates that have taken over the major studios would raise endless objections:

"Kids today want endless action and loud explosions. A quiet, contemplative movie like this would never sell".

"It's not PC-enough for today's audiences. There's no strong female characters--LGBT--minorities--etc.".

"Our big markets today are overseas, especially Asia. They don't care for a movie about coming-of-age kids in 1960's America".


ET's success was the reason for ao many movies about kids in the 80's and 90's. Somewhere in the 90's movies changed. I have no doubt Hollywood could ever make a movie like Stand By Me even if they tried.


If they tried to kake movies like this now actually get 12 year old litte douchebags ane the movie wouod suck.


But, if this film were made today, it would be set in 1989. (A time when people still knew how to have fun! Pre web, pre PC, pre flat-screens pre gay tollerance & smoking was still cool!) Only the prologue and the epilogue wouls take place in modern times.


Why doesn't Hollywood make good films like this anymore?
Ah, yes. Words that been said ever since the talkies took over.

You want something corny? You got it!


Added to ignore list. Go troll somewhere else. Have you ever thought of getting a job? Much better than living in your parent's basement, sitting in front of a computer trolling on IMDB.


"Anti-PC" OP gets seriously offended by a harmless observation and responds the way only the typical butthurt person on the internet can. Gotta love it.

You want something corny? You got it!


I'm 15 and I just watched this movie for the very first time. I tested up a little, such a great movie.
I for one would go see a movie like this in today's time if it were as good as this one. Now my favorite movie


by zooeyhall
» Mon Sep 19 2016 07:46:45
IMDb member since November 2003

Post Edited: Mon Sep 19 2016 07:53:06

Why doesn't Hollywood make good films like this anymore?
Answer: Avatar.

Hollywood and movies in general are now about IMAX and 3D. When I'm dragged to a movie once every four or five months (a location I used to gladly go to every four or five days), I feel like I'm in line for a lame rollercoaster and not a good story. There have been and might be a few more coming-of-age films that are similar and/or influenced by Stand By Me, but nothing will ever be quite like it. It's one of a kind. And the way the industry is going today, nothing will ever come close.

Votes: 3,622


A remake of this film wouldn't work today.


It would still work if it were a period piece set until about the mid 90s. As stated elsewhere here, before the internet and cell phones became mainstream. Would it be directed or acted correctly? That's something I wouldn't bet on.


Movies like this won't be coming back anytime soon. Stand By Me was made in a time where movies were supposed to be remembered, granted there aren't many, a few of my favorites being Ferris Bueller, Footloose and of course Stand By Me. Today it seems like most movies are just being made for the sake of being made. I do however enjoy the movies being released, but they will never have the heart that Stand By Me has.


Movies like this won't be coming back anytime soon. Stand By Me was made in a time where movies were supposed to be remembered. I do however enjoy the movies being released, but they will never have the heart that Stand By Me has.

I saw SBM in theaters that summer it came out. I re watched it so many times I lost count over the years. Was my top movie of all time for almost 30 years. In the past four years , I saw two other films that are almost as equal in my eyes in terms of Heart and relatability or nostalgia. Perks Of being a wallflower is one, and the other that I love is less than a year old called " Sing Street ".
If you love films that suck you into believing what you are seeing on the screen , for that 90 minutes or so, then you must see Sing Street. Like SBM, you have to watch it non stop , all the way till the credits roll. Sing Street will be an optimistic ending film though as compared to the depressing ending of SBM . Just as powerful, Sing Street will leave you nostalgic for the 1980's , and the performance of the main character who plays Conor will leave you astounded, especially in the Happy sad Park walk scene. It has a 97 % rating on Rotten Tomatoes , and was praised by every movie critic newspaper or website review I could find. It was a Golden Globe nominee this past month, and got a standing ovation at Sundance last year. By all means see it, it would be a shame if you didn't.


This is one of the HANDFUL of movies that do not have any, what I call 'injected romance'. In other words, forcefully adding a 'romance' bit to a movie or story that doesn't need it, regardless if it fits or benefits the story or not, because 'women need to be pandered to'.

It's like putting a time-traveling robot spacefight cave exploration scene to every romantic movie, so men would also go see it. Women wouldn't stand for it.

Can you think of other movies that do not have romance in them, injected or not?

Off the top of my head, I can only think of 'Misery' and 'Bad Taste' besides this movie.

So that's another thing that makes this movie completely unique. It's very difficult to find movies that do not have some kind of politically-correct agenda ruining it, or some kind of man-bashing or romance bit or unrealistic 'girl power' crap added to them.

It's sad that you have to go to horror movie genre to even find those examples.
