MovieChat Forums > TerrorVision (1986) Discussion > has anyone else ever seen this movie?

has anyone else ever seen this movie?

if so, email me at and we can discuss it! I LOVE THIS MOVIE TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The first time I saw this film I asked my self was. Why is this rated R? It had nothing objectional for children where it would require a parent or guardian. It had good moments but the bad out weighed the good in this film.


This is one of my all time favorite films. It has all the best elements: gore, comedy, bad acting, hilarious dialogue, sexual themes, and all around absurdity. I think this movie would have really scared me when I was younger, but I saw it for the first time just a few years ago. Unbelievably, I bought it for $1 at a pawn shop. Oh, and I managed to pick up the soundtrack on vinyl and it's awesome of course.


OMG! I have remembered this movie since I saw it with a friend at the age of 7 back in 1986! I have asked everyone I've known since then if they know this movie because I forgot the name, and no one ever has! I only just found this page after posting about it in the message boards and someone finally came along and told me the title! I cannot freaking wait to see it again! I remembered this movie and the main events for 22 years just so I could find it again someday!

"People who believe in Hell deserve it"


I love this movie. ı have seen it 20 years ago. but I didn't forget any second. It doesn't deserve 4's. I gave it 8.


I'd like to see this. Luckly, I just got a membership at this place called Videos-to-go here in Davis, CA, which carries this, along with The Video Dead. Either those two, or Class of Nuke 'em High, along with Surf Nazis Must Die are next to rent.

"You're just a bastard from a basket. BASTARD FROM A BASKET!"


So,I did finally see this, and, phhffft! Stupid, stupid movie. And why the hell was there an "R" rating on the back of the box?! It's very much a PG-13, if anything. Too bad while watching videos, this followed The Video Dead (a much better movie, IMO)rather than the opposite, otherwise it would have very well made up for this retarded kids flick.

"You're just a bastard from a basket. BASTARD FROM A BASKET!"


First time I saw it was probably sometime in the 90s. My older brother and I were watching it on tv and the parents interrupted the film to take us to the zoo. I remember trying to stall them by dressing very slowly but that never really fooled them. I was probably pissed on the ride there since I desperately wanted to see the rest of the movie. More than a decade later, I was able to snag it off the net to rewatch it. Wasn't too impressed and was left feeling underhwelmed. Nostalgia can be a hell of a thing.


Like many others the first time I saw this film I was a little kid. I saw it recently and it's interesting how much my perception has changed from "cool and a bit scary" to "silly and quite funny". Things like the fact the parents are a couple of swingers and the huge amount of sex references passed me by as a kid, while the really bad special effects were kind of scary as a kid, but now add to the comedy factor. I still like the film though, just in a different way. Definitely a cult classic.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


I watched it for the first time (I am 21 now) 30 minutes ago. Quality stuff right here.

Raccoon City is not dead...
It's just playing Possum.



Yeah it just played on TV earlier today. I was watching it without much expectations and I was kinda surprised. This movie was better than I thought though still really silly and bad but in the good way. :)

I loved the humor and the characters. Plus Diane Franklin was kinda hot back in the day LOL. I know I know, she's just a kid in the movie I wasn't fapping either! I'm not pedo. But still, cute girl haha. tbh I was getting bored at some point in the movie but the Medusa boobs always kept me interested lololol.


I just saw this movie on Youtube, and boy it was cheesy and entertaining! Here is the link for those who want to see the movie again:

You can thank me later.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


lol, I know you posted this in 2002, but I saw this movie last night on TCM at 3 in the morning and it was amazing! This is definitely one of my favorite B-Movie horror films now, I enjoyed just about everything about it.


Just finished watching it... I was hoping the monster to eat everyone half way through...
