Heavy Symbolism

Is it just me, or is there some really deep symbolism in this movie?! For instance, does the scene with the bush singing idiotic songs represent the eventual coming of Bush (vice president at the time) as the unintelligent voice of our nation, who would eventually lead to the death of the "invisible man" (i.e. the little people of the nation that nobody hears about)? This may seem like a stretch, but I wouldn't put ANYTHING past these guys!

Go Special Sauce


I don't know... but Bush is an idiot.


come on, people...reply


Bush IS an idiot. but not for the reasons you think he's an idiot, ferrybueller.


You idiots just don't recognize the deep symbolism that is obvious to a genius of my stature. My IQ is 188. Seriously.


If your IQ was seriously 188 then you should know that George W. Bush was never VP of this country. He was the son of the veep, uninvolved in politics in 1986.

I'm no fan of the president's, but if I were you I'd be more careful with my facts when I'm calling other people idiots.


well, well, ah.

see, i believe he actually means george h. w. bush, anyway. who WAS vice president in 1986, and then president later.

he was one of those love him or hate him preseidents at the time, but now, nobody really cares about what he did or didn't do.

jesus christ. people on imdb message boards are stupid.


Telling people your IQ automatically reduces your IQ by 30%.


The singing bush is a satirical reference to the burning bush, which is from the bible.


And an intelligent person would know that...


that's the rumor.



My IQ is 189. Seriously. So, since we have decided that I'm smarter, I've decided that you need to get a life.

Listen to your superior.

Go on. It's OK. We'll all wait here until you can come back and play nice with the others.

"So I got that goin' for me...which is nice."


OK Comic Book guy, I think you're looking way to deep to come up with this symbolism. Anyone can find symbolism anywhere if they look deep enough and hard enough. It's your hatred of Bush that has gotten the best of you. You've been "Bush-wacked". But don't worry I'm sure there's help for you, and I feel your pain brother. Seriously though, there is no such symbolism hidden in this film.

"If you stare into the Abyss long enough you'll find it staring back."


Stephen Hawking: "People who boast about their IQ are losers."



"come on, people...reply"

Someone with IQ of 188 should be able to capitalize their ridiculously tiny posts.

However, you did use the Oxford Comma correctly, so I'll give you IQ 100.

Then again, you forgot punctuation at the end of you extremely tiny post, so I'll have to lower you back to 82. Sorry, but I don't make the rules.


This thread is a singing bush.


hahahah!! Glad I'm not the only one who noticed!


If you remember correctly, it was not the singing bush who was responsible for the death of the invisible swordsman, it was Chevy Chase.
Dusty Bottoms disregarded the advice he was given and did not shoot into the air, but, unknowingly into the chest of the invisible swordsman of whom he was trying to summon.

Perhaps if you want to dig a little deeper into the "symbolism", you might interpret the invisible swordsman as the unnoticed, untapped power that we as a country have in our little people that nobody hears about, and that to use this power,this potential aid, we must use the Singing Bush, who the Heros of the story, in truth dishonest actors, fail to recognize as a Singing Bush and incorrectly carry out their plan, thus destroying the invisble(yet potent. It was a swordsman)swordsman that might aid them in their quest.

So the metaphor would say that Bush is an incorrectly used, if somewhat comical tool not responsible for the death of the tragically untapped little people who might provide the heros with aid. It is, in fact, the fault of a doubter named "Dusty Bottoms".

So who, in our archetypal personality index, or in our government right now, would be "Dusty Bottoms"? For he would be the real culprit for the tragic loss of our invisible swordspeople.

Do I have to post my IQ for this arugment to be proven valid?

"Allright you primitive screwheads, listen up. This is my BOOMSTICK!"


Your IQ obviously isn't 188.


Why is somebody who's IQ is 188 dissect the symbolism of the plot of The 3 Amigos? The Citizen Kane chat room is down the virtual hall and is the second door on your right.



The singing bush is George H W Bush. He is summoning his son W (the invisible swordsman) to defeat El Guapo(Saddam)and Iraq. He is killed by Dusty Bottoms (The Gay Movement). This has not happened yet. Dubya will be destroyed in his second term by the gay marriage agenda. When gays get the right to marry, his supporters will turn on him. It will be up to Ned Nederlander(Condi Rice) to save the Lucky Day!!!


The Vice president would be the "Dusty Bottoms" who shot the invisible swordsman? Ha ha.


This is the stupidest post I've ever read. If you have an 188 IQ, why don't you do something like discover a cure for cancer instead of looking for symbolism that doesn't exist in classic comedies. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've probably never been laid. You suck.


yea i would have to agree with the poster above, this movie has absolutely nothing to do president bush. ferrisbueller why do u bother looking at great classics and say they have polictical symbolism. i see u have nothing to do. so i have an idea you can go *beep* yourself but possibly in the woods so i dont have to see it


Yah, this is really dumb. FERRISBUELER, Stop trying to find hidden meanings in the Singing Bush. It just a Bush that Sings! You're obviously a liar, someone with a IQ thats 188 (or whatever you said) would have ALOT better things to do then trying to figure oout what exactly the point is behind the Singing Bush. ITS A SINGING BUSH! Thats all it is.

iThree Amigos! was not telling the future. It was funny movie with a bush, that sang.

You're obviously not a genius but a moron.


1. The Knights Templar control our government and have since the founding. George Washington was a Freemason.
2. The Templars hid the Ark of the Covenant at Rennes-le-Chateau, located in the Pyrnees mountains.
3. Woodrow Wilson was a globalist who created World War One to create the League Of Nations and enslave us to world government.
4. The hero of World War One was Sergeant York.
5. Bewitched (a plot to normalize witchcraft..just like Harry Potter) had two actors named Dick SERGEANT and Dick YORK.
6. The mother-in-law who controlled everything was Endorra.
7. The country in the Pyrnees mountains, the home of the Knights Templar is ANDORRA.
8. Andorra is controlled by France and Spain.
9. The Spanish representative in Andorra is the Bishop of Urgell.
10. That was the influence for Steven Urkell on Family Matters.
11. The capital of Andorra is Andorra de la Vella. Vel
11. Reginald (a name meaning "wise king", a Templar reference) VEL Johnson was Carl Winslow. Winslow is an anagram of Wilson
12. Family Matters was plot hatched by Woodrow Wilson.

And until you've had a decade of serious alcohol use coming up with this kind of crap, you're just a rank amateur. And don't make me post my theory on how the Taco Bell Chihuahua is going to make us take the Mark Of The Beast. Nobody wants to go there.


Nobody who lacks the intelligence to understand the conceptual difference between symbolism and predicting the future has an IQ of 188.



I'm gonna have to agree that someone who has an IQ of 188 would know the difference between symbolism and Miss Cleo. More importantly, what does YOUR IQ have to do with SOMEBODY ELSES's ability to predict the future? That's a pretty large logical fallacy wouldn't you say? And even if you a genius (other than a self proclaimed one) you run under the assumption that the writers also share your high IQ level and lets not forget they can see the future too. Furthermore, since the singing Bush didn't kill the swordsman, you've embarassed yourself further. Since you're big into reading comprehension perhaps you have heard of the term "overreading." Basically if you look hard enough you can find symbolism anywhere. But talk is cheap so let me completely manufacture a theory about the invisible swordsman and pass it off as allegory:

Well obviously, Ned and Lucky represent faith whereas Dusty represents doubt. Now the swordsman is God. We can't see him, but he is here to help us if we believe in him. As we all know God used a bush (the burning bush) to communicate with Moses, I believe it was, so the scene is trying to tell you to believe in the divine signs given to you (the bush) and pursue faithfully (like Ned and Lucky) or else your doubt will sever your contact with faith (like Dusty did).

Yep, I just totally made that up. Now maybe you'll see how easy it is for such a self-proclaimed genius to overread. By the way, I think my take on the scene is better than yours, and I don't even believe mine.



I agree with the poster above.. ferris's analysis of that scene was great.. tho it may not be accurate.. it was really interesting to think about... and atleast he was thinking.. and i dont understand why everyone has to be so condescending towards him or her.. its not cool.. ferris thumbs up to you! your post was fascinating.. Thumbs down to the rest of you condecending *beep*

