I LOVED this film!!

I absolutely adored this film but I haven't seen it in years!! I was searching around for it today and found it in HMV for £9.99 so I'm definitely gonna go buy it because I remember absolutely loving this film! What did everyone else think of it?

"Both fine answers, but we were looking for leafy, leafy."


I feel the same way, except it has been years since I've seen it. I was just reminded of it the other day when I saw a light-up frisbee...lol

"That is the whitest white part of the eye I have ever seen...Do you floss?"


I first saw this movie when I was pretty young and have loved it since, I knew Frank McRae was out of something else than just Loaded Weapon 1 and it's this. Frank McRae is so cool, he's a picture for your pleasure from Loaded Weapon 1 which I took with my capture card when it was on the TV. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/cokacoola/frankrofl.jpg



hey £9.99 from HMV didnt know it was out here, right wheres my wallet.

Excellent Film!


I love this film! I've got it on DVD



This is probably in my top 5 films ever, watched it when i was like 4 years old and absolutely loved it.

The one thing about Hitler that I admire is that he wouldn't take any *beep* from magicians.


Growing up in the 90's ment I saw this film everyday ...

I ain't seen it in about 10 years but will cry

my eyes out when I see itagain ... *0(


How can you not love this film?

An inch. It is small and it is fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having.


I adore the movie as well, ever since I was a kid. My favorite part has always been when the little one towards the end of the picture is putting the tile back and nudges it into place with its little nose. It never fails to choke me up!

I'm glad the movie still has fans :)

Nicodemus: Courage of the heart is very rare. The stone has a power when it's there.


That scene is one of my top 10 scenes of all time!

Great and underrated movie.


I remember wanting to read the book years ago which didn't happen, but was happy to find it made in to a movie, I've seen it a few times though its been a while, it's a good movie to watch, the effects are very good considering there wasn't any cgi then.


I have always adored it as well. Flotsam and Jetsam were so adorable...
I haven't seen it in forever, but I used to love it, and I can't wait to see it again.

"You give up a few things, chasing a dream..."


wow this film came out almost 20 years ago? jeez, i'm getting old...LOL anyhoo cute film! have seen it countless times-always fun to watch



I especially like the moral lesson it gives: don't cook burgers around robots that are the same size as the patties.




i remember seeing it long time ago and i remember how much i liked it, but unfortunately, it's not possible to be found where I live :(
