I LOVED this film!!

I absolutely adored this film but I haven't seen it in years!! I was searching around for it today and found it in HMV for £9.99 so I'm definitely gonna go buy it because I remember absolutely loving this film! What did everyone else think of it?

"Both fine answers, but we were looking for leafy, leafy."


i love this film too, Steven Spielberg did an excellent job.


I thought it was awesome, right up there with Short Circuit....my two fave movies of all time.


I'm a 70 yr-old curmudgeon and can't not watch this when it comes along.....probably 3 or 4 tomes now!



Nice movie, i love it!!


Also one of my most favorite movies ever.
PS For those that can't find it - In some countries the movie is called 'Miracle on the 8th street'


Never heard of that one.


Yes, it took me long time to find it because I also saw it as "the Miracle on the XYth street" for the first time.


I only knew spanish when I was that age, and then I only knew it as "Miracle on 8th street", just as the other pal pointed out


It was on cable recently and I recorded it on our DVR and have saved it ever since. I'm watching it again this morning...

I love this movie. Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy were so great together, tiny spaceship babies sword fighting with paint brushes is something everyone should see, at least a thousand times...



one of my faves growing up... this isa real touchign movie.

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


I like this film to.
Its always on ITV2 HD and its been on the planner for some time and just watched it tonight again.



I still like this much, there should be another movie made, don't get me wrong I don't want a remake but maybe a franchise might be successful.

