MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Discussion > Robin Williams at his most annoying in t...

Robin Williams at his most annoying in this movie

Tried watching it, only lasted an hour (probably really 40 minutes, with all the commercials) on AMC.



This is the 'Good Morning Vietnam' board, not the Robin Williams board.

I tried watching this movie for the first time, mainly because of the recent death of Williams.

I could not get through this movie because he is so annoying.




It is difficult to make comments about a movie without commenting on actors who appear in the movie.


Robin Williams is an actor in this movie, and this movie is basically a vehicle for him and his antics, so both Robin Williams and his annoyance factor are 100% relevant here.

How do you discuss a movie with THAT kind of limitations - I mean, if you have a movie with an actor in it, you are somehow LIMITED to only discussing the movie, but not the actor?

Be reasonable here.. I have often said similar things, but I have limited MY limitations to discussing the actual movie instead of some OTHER movies. It's a different thing to DERAIL one movie's discussion board by constantly bombarding it with IRRELEVANT CRAP FROM OTHER MOVIES THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH the one we're supposed to be discussing, than to simply discuss the actor in the very movie we are discussing.

My 'limitation request' was reasonable, yours is not.


yeah it was too machine-gun jumping from joke to joke. didn't like it really.


This may be IMDb heresy, but Robin Williams just wasn't especially funny in GMV. Many insist he was hilarious for fear of being branded uncool for not getting his humor. Not unlike the theme of "The Emperor's New Clothes".


You didn't find him funny, I did. Who's right?


I think Robin was hilarious in GMV. I also think people had a problem with Adrian for two reasons.
1. Robin wasnt playing himself, he was playing the real Adrian Cronauer yet taking creative liberty.

2. Look at the setting and the time period of the movie. Robin had a limited arsenal of jokes that he could use that would appeal to the older generation who experienced the Vietnam War and could remember it, and the younger generation who wouldnt get any good jokes and historical references that Adrian would make.



Totally disagree.

I love Mork and Mindy but too me Mork is Robin's most annoying character. Mork wasnt annoying all the time but he did get too annoying and distracting a lot.

I blame drugs and alohol for that.



"Annoying" is an opinion, not a fact.

You can be annoyed by your houseplants if you so choose, it means aboslutely nothing. It's just an opinion. You should learn to base your opinions on something.

I think Robin Williams was a unique genius, a sort of poor man's Jim Carrey, but very good at outdoing himself sometimes, very wacky, a bit crazy, and very witty as well. You have to be witty to be able to pull off what he has done.

However, I think he sometimes tries too hard, and other times, it doesn't seem very organic. The crux of the matter is, BEYOND 'annoyance', is he funny or not.

I think he's a VERY mixed bag. Because he is able to rapidly fire so many jokes, antics, imitations, and ideas in a succession, chances are, at least some of those are funny and land, even if others aren't. He was never AFRAID to try some joke out, whether people laughed or not. Just the fact that he's DOING an unfunny joke can be funny in itself.

I never found him annoying in Mork & Mindy, he's PERFECT for the role of an Extra-Terrestrial outsider, and his intonations and compassion for comedic expression shine through very well. He's not always funny about things, but he shows what is humanly POSSIBLE, if people would lighten up a little. He makes other people look stiff and boring by comparison, and I for one always wanted to be like him in the show, because he dares to be completely original, he dares to be himself, and he is not afraid to be quirky and 'weird', even when it's not funny.

Also, you can see the other actors trying to not laugh (and failing) many times, so it's a bit of an exaggeration to simply slander him as 'annoying', when he was CLEARLY funny to even the people he worked with, let alone the audiences, and to condense his MASSIVE body of work even with just that show to just one insult is neither rational nor fair.

You try being funny in every single episode for an extended period of time with hot studio lights trained at you and a dull script in hand!


Now, having said that, OF COURSE he was 'annoying' sometimes - you can't really say to have done ANYTHING worthwhile if you have never annoyed anyone, enraged anyone, made anyone fume with anger and so on.

OF COURSE he was annoying sometimes, to some people more than others, if he hadn't, he would've been the 'safe comedy' of let's say 'Family Ties'. Boring, predictable, and dull as hell.

I'd rather take 'annoying and quirky' over 'dull and predictable' ANY microcosmic second.

He was praised for a reason, he was very talented and quick-witted, and his true expression of his comedic ideas were genuine, not forced. I mean, later, he became a depressed, unfunny guy that just doesn't have it anymore (just watch that awful 'Runaway Vacation' for proof), but in his prime, he was always exciting to watch, because you never knew WHAT he was going to say or do.

Who doesn't love a man that can drink with his finger and have philosophical conversations with clothes?

Not everything is funny, but I love that he at least TRIED to make mundane, everyday, dull things as fun and exciting as they could be. It doesn't have to be funny to be fun. Talking to his food wasn't comedy masterpiece material, but it was fun to watch and listen to anyway. Anyone that thinks he's merely 'annoying' has lost something important, forgotten how to have childlike wonder in life, and as the Oiled One said, to the childlike belong the heavens - or something like that.

(The meaning, of course, is that children are full of energy, positive attitude, childlike wonder and innovation, invention and excitement, because they come from the astral world, where everyone IS like that (mostly), and only in this world, people become the dull robots we know and hate)



I agree. Never liked him. Yet he is so praised



It's like a very long music video, montages and not much depth. We learn that his best friend is the enemy.


I think Lt. Hauk was the real source of comedy in this movie.
