Johnny's Apartment

I love entires in movies, particularly how stylized they can be. I was just noticing what wonderful clean lines Johnny's apartment has. It almost looks like the modern style designers are showing today, especially on blogs like Apartment Therapy.

Not sure if it really matches his character, but I was amazed by its simple style.

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


I think you mean Ronny--we never see Johnny's apartment. But I agree with you: simple is best. I can't stand places where every bit of space is filled up with something.


Oh yeah! Thanks for that.

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


The commentary track said it was meant to evoke European cinema, especially the kitchen. The colors, the furniture, the way the scenes are framed. It was supposed to be like what you would see in a foreign film.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.


Thanks! Do you think the DVD (the extras, etc.) are worth it? I wouldn't mind hearing the commentary and learning more about the movie.

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


Definitely worth it. You learn all these little tidbits of things.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.


I'd recommend "Cher: the Film Collection" DVD box set (currently $44.99 on Amazon), which includes 6 of her career-spanning movies: Moonstruck, Silkwood, Mermaids, Tea with Mussolini, Chastity, and Good Times. It has the commentary on Moonstruck. Chastity and Good Times I could've done without, but great price for 6 movies.

I love when DVDs have commentaries. The Moonstruck commentary is from Cher, director Norman Jewison and writer John Patrick Shanley.

Please do not attack me for my opinions...we're all entitled to them. :)


I thought that Ronny's apartment did compliment his character, because it had his opera albums, older style furniture, decent artwork. It looked like an apartment for a guy who is intelligent and maybe a romantic, and Ronny clearly was both. It wasn't too fancy or looked like it had been decorated by a woman which wouldn't have worked, and it wasn't a dive with empty beer bottles laying around which wouldn't have worked either. I felt his apartment suited him perfectly.


I thought Ronny’s apartment looked too clean and well appointed. Wouldn’t have expected a bachelor of his age who worked in a t-shirt and had messy hair to make his bed so perfectly each morning. I guess the director wanted to hint at his hidden sophistication and maturity.
