Best lines

I love this movie, a lot, I'm watching it right now, and I'm thinking that there's a lot of subtle comedy in this movie that you don't pick up on unless you've seen the movie multiple times.
To that end, what are some of your favourite lines from the movie? Funny or not, what lines did you think were the best?
Two of my favourites are, right at the beginning of the film, during the heart advert,

Doctor: "Remember, we care."
A second of silence
Newcsater: "Police officers have been killed..."

Lawyer: "Attempted murder?! It's not like he killed someone!"


“Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii like it!”


"See, I got this problem. Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. Nanananananananana BOOM!"

"Well give this man a hand!"


“Someone wanna call a goddamn paramedic”
“I’d buy that for a dollar”
“Can you fly Bobby?”
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me”
“Well give the man a hand”
“Dick, you’re fired”
“Woa a new toy, can I play?”


"I'd buy that for a dollar" - I quote it all the time.


I'm a repeat offender, I repeat I will offend again!


“I’d buy that for a dollar”
