MovieChat Forums > Throw Momma from the Train (1987) Discussion > I Actually Felt Bad For Devito's Charact...

I Actually Felt Bad For Devito's Character

Devito's character (Iforgethis name) was very miserable, and I actually felt bad for him. He was underappreciated, didn't have any friends, and his mama made fun of him.

Stewie:"What the deuce!"


i agree cauz he didn't do anything to deserve it the mom was just mad at him 4 nop reason




I love the part where he shows Billy Crystal his coin collection, nearly brought a tear to my eye.


lol yea i always thought owen was like a big kid.


Yeah I agree completely.

Definitely when he brings out the coin collection I always get sentimental. It's sweet/sad.


I love the part where he shows Billy Crystal his coin collection, nearly brought a tear to my eye.

It did bring tears to my eyes. So sad.

"Norma...please...paint something cool today." - Mrs. Bronson


Me too man me too, his life sucked. No one should have to go through's brain damage for real.



You're supposed to feel bad for him. He's an innocent character driven to desperation. It's a theme you see a lot of in DeVito's movies.. just like Ed Norton's character in Death to Smoochy.


Good point, Jay. It was neat to see DeVito play a character who's miserable and that audiences can sympathize with, rather than portray the stereotypical sniveling little weasel creep that he's known for.


I always liked Owen. He's like a big kid and I always felt for him. No one should have to go through that.

"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious... and don't call me Shirley." -Airplane


Yeah I agree completely. I felt bad for Owen portrayed by Danny DeVito. A grown man. Who should have a life of his own. By having his own place, friends, a job, and a girlfriend. But it didn't happen for Owen that way. He was trapped by still living with his verbal abusive mother. Who just didn't appreciate him. I feel bad for anyone. Who has to go through that tourment. I also felt bad for Larry as well. Portrayed by Billy Crystal. He was trying to get on with his life. By writing his own book. Teaching his own class. To spread on his inspiration and widsom to his students. His wife was a real tart. She looked stucked up. And never appreciate the guy. Thinkin' that she was better than him. She look like a gold digger as well. Both Larry and Owen were innocent guys. Who were trying to improve their lives. But in two different situations. One who hates his ex-wife. Seeking revenge. The other wants his mother to be dead. As a doorknob. Let's not forget 9 years later? When Danny DeVito played the verbal, overbearing, and unappreciated father in the 1996 movie Matilda. Similar to the late Anne Ramsey. Who played Mrs. Lift in Throw Momma from the Train. I liked her. She was funny and hilarious playing Momma. I felt bad that she passed on. A year later. After this movie was released in late 1987. But life goes on. Thanks for hearing me out.


Who did he bowl with? Or did he book a lane by himself?



Don't sheesh me you dirty shaft surfer.

So I didn't recall one line from a movie I've only seen twice. I forgot that key piece of information days after watching it, living my life and finally reading other comments and posting my own.

I'll stick my face in the toaster for you, shall I? Just in case I mess up so badly again.



When Devito tried his hardest to play him like a 7 year old. Body language, childish language, and blank stares, just like a kid.



You're suppose to.


what a big difference from playing the EVIL PENGUIN in Batman, lol.


I did feel sorry for him for what he went through, but he seemed like a down to Earth type of man and what he did to Billy Crystal's life made him a pest. I felt more bad for Crystal than i did DeVito. He had a two-timing ex-wife who stole his thunder(his book) and became rich and famous by fraud. THAT would drive me insane too. Then DeVito comes in after missing the point to Larry's description of good murder mystery writing and decides to act out a plot from a movie?! After he and Larry went on the joyride with car with no brakes, i still would've turned Owen in, not hide out with him at his mom's! Owen didn't even have the balls to admit he did NOT kill Larry's ex-wife, but told Larry he did just so Larry could actually go through with killing HIS mom. After I found out Owen didn't do what he was trying to make me do, i would kill HIM! I know he at least tried, but i still would've been like, "You little turd you're trying to turn me into a murderer, when you didn't even become one yourself?!" Don't get wrong, it was a black comedy with an interesting plot, but it's just sad how pathetic DeVito's character was. He was a grown man who still played with a kid's train set. If i were Larry, i would've had Owen committed. The man had some serious issues that needed the attention of a psychiatrist. Especially for being a thirtysomething year old man with the mind of a 10 year old. Besides, DeVito's situation was easy to fix. I would've just put my mother in a nursing home if she drove me that nuts or needed that much assistance, or i'd have her live with another relative.

"Imagination is the Figment"


I feel way more sorry for the situation that Owen was put through. You say he's a tirtysomthing with the mind of a 10 year old. I say that is the result of years of abuse. The poor guy was constantly being emasculated by his very mother, how could he be anything other then a child trapped in a mans body. He was also trying to do everything in his power to improve his life. Writing classes, trying to get in touch with someone he viewed as a positive mentor and arranging to have his mother killed. Owen was never trying to be a pest he ment well, at least by Larry. Insane maybe, but he was trying.

Larry on the other hand did get screwed by his wife in a way that he never hoped for. But she was out of his life. There for Larry's biggest tormentor is Larry. The constant pain that he was going through was all self inflicted. Insted of moving on and making the most of his life he choose to wallow in his self pitty. Larry is intelligent and had the means to move on but he did not try.




I don't think Momma developed that personality later in life. Owen tells Larry that his dad called him his little something-or-other (can't remember), and that's the reason Momma calls him Owen. That tells me his mother had it in for him from birth, and that his dad dying probably exacerbated his own insecurity.

Also notice that Momma keeps him on a leash by saying things like, "I don't know what I would do without my baby, Owen." It's like when a gambler loses on a machine for a while, then it pays out a bit, which makes him want to try his luck more, thus getting more addicted to it.

Owen was "addicted" to his mother like this, and the only way he knew to get out was to kill her.

reply's just sad how pathetic DeVito's character was. He was a grown man who still played with a kid's train set.......

FYI not so genius, there are plenty of adults whose hobby is playing "with a kid's train set". It's not exactly something that makes him anymore pathetic than bowling. Yes, he was definately child-like in many ways but the train thing isn't one of them.
