MovieChat Forums > The Untouchables (1987) Discussion > Could The Untouchables be interpreted as...

Could The Untouchables be interpreted as a pro-right-wing/conservative movie?

It was afterall made at the height the Reagan era. And maybe one way to look at the heroes' methods if that they have to employ a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality. This is emblematic of Malone's "If they have a knife, you bring a gun" speech on how to deal (AKA "The Chicago Way") with Al Capone. Or the part where Ness is pretty much forced to take matters into his own hands (so to speak) instead of taking the chance of Frank Nitti being prosecuted (and likely let off, as he had arrogantly boasted).


When you look at it like that, yes, the story of an oppressive totalitarian government oppressing the citizens right to booze using heavy handed tactics ....


I sort of interpret Malone's speech to Ness how to take down Al Capone as his way of saying "If you want to catch the bad guy, you have to use bad guy methods". In other words, use bad guy like tactics but take it to extremes that even they haven't tried. It would kind of be like if the Punisher showed a pious, boy scout superhero character like Superman or Captain America how he should stop a master criminal.


Not 100%.

Because itd make pretty poor propaganda for the NRA, after all. It wasnt guns that brought down Capone, it was good tax accountants.


it's just a movie


And then it all turns out to have been pointless because prohibition is about to be repealed and Ness says he thinks he'll have a drink.


Prohibition was a right wing, conservative idea. At the end Ness welcomes the repeal of the ban on alcohol it because he knows that the violence it caused will soon come to an end.
