MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > What's your favourite line in the movie?

What's your favourite line in the movie?

Obviously this movie is packed full of amazing dialogue, but for some reason my favourite line is....

Withnail - "Good. I'm glad you're the proprietor."

For some reason that line just kills me. With that look on his face.


There are just so many! Every line in this movie is great. A couple that springs to mind:

"I'm a trained actor, reduced to the state of a bum!"

"I want something's flesh!"

"What good is the country side? I'm in a park and I'm practically dead!"

and many many more. :)


The thing I love about the film is that every line is like a quote on its own. Think of everything they say! It's because the main characters have such an air of the dramatic about them, that everything they say sounds like a quote lifted from a play or a piece of theatre, most especially Withnail! My personal favourite, however minor, was,
"There wasn't much left in the tube, there's none left for you."

Can't give you a reason why, it just cracks me up every time!



My favourite line from this movie is my favourite line from ANY film I have ever seen.
Marwood (&I): "Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day"

Not meant to be funny, IMO, but it really made me think that even something crappy and broken still may have some value. Love it.....

In terms of funny one-liners as the OP says it's packed full of hilarity. My favourite for the sheer use of humour to break the tension when they think the poacher is breaking in but it turns out to be Monty is Withnail screaming at the top of his lungs "MONTY, YOU TERRIBLE CNUT (yes, I know it's spelt wrong!!!) LMAO......


Even a stopped not an original line. It's a cliche.


That line about the stopped clock is not original to this movie, it is an old line from somewhere, forget where.


It's a toss-up between Withnail's, "We've gone on holiday by mistake", and Monty's reading the message left by the farmer, " Here hare here!"


My personal favourite:
"Why has my head gone numb?!"

And a close second:
"You have soup. Why didn't I get any soup?"
"It's coffee"


Having re-watched the movie, my favourite line isn't "Ah, I'm glad you're the propeitor", it's actually....

"Cake. What's it got to do with you?"

The way he says that line is just the greatest delivery in the history of cinema.

The reason I first came to love this movie is once when I was about 14 and I was alone at home, channel hopping, and I'd never heard of it, but I happened to tune in at the moment of the "What about wotisname?" conversation.

"What about him?"
"Why don't you call him and ask him about his house?"
"You want me to call wotisname and ask him about his house?"
"Alright. What's his number?"
"I've no idea, I've never met him."
"Neither have I. What the *beep* are you talking about?"

I had a fit of hysterics, and have been hooked on this movie ever since.


Yes! "I want soup!!!!" I find myself saying that sometimes. A sense of grievance brings it forth.


- "With, with. Parkin's been. There's our supper"

(A live cock standing on table)

- "What are we supposed to do with that"

- "Eat it"

- "Eat it? The f_cker's alive"


Idk my favorite line, but I was reading through the quotes and just reading them makes me laugh just as much in the movie.

This one just gave me a good laugh:

Marwood: It takes away your appetite just looking at it.
Withnail: No it doesn't. I'm starving. How can we make it die?


Apart from all the obvious ones that have been done to death, I like Danny's line:

"you're looking very beautiful man...St Peter preached the epistles to the apostles looking like that."


Watched this film last night, and one line that had me in hysterics was when Marwood says there's a rat in the kitchen, and Withnail declares; 'Well, the *beep* will rue the day!'

"My car is outside."
