MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > truly one of the saddest films ever

truly one of the saddest films ever

for all the hilarious situations and lines-does the ending make anyone else teary?

the idea that withnail will never see his only friend again and will die alone festering in poverty. Even thinking of the final scene gets to me.

Yarbles!,Great Bolshy Yarblockos To You



It's simply one of the best pieces of drama filmed. The ending really is tragic, and both McGann and Grant play their parts brilliantly; I shan't forget Withnail wailing "and what sort of man am I?" as a part of that closing soliloquy.


yeah totally, the ending in the rain left me with a bitter sweet feeling and to think in the original script Withnail goes back home and actually shoots himself to make it even sadder!


Oh, I never knew that. The end was heartbreaking enough, that would have been terrible!!

"Stop saying that, Withnail! Of course he's the f$%*ing farmer!"
Team AppleButt #6


I was looking up this film to see for the first time - thanks for the spoiler you putz


Everybody knows you're supposed to read discussion board AFTER you've watched a movie. So, you're a putz.


Not really.
Many times you read it beforehand, as more information can help you decide if a movie is worth watching or not.


Absolutely. It is totally unexpected and highly charged. Gut wrenching in fact. Is' willingness to just dump him is a little disturbing. Withnail is mired in self-destructiveness and I wants to move on but the ruthlessness is a little disturbing. P.S: Pleased to see Kubrick in there. He's The Bomb. And for those who whinge about spoilers. SEE THE FARKING FILM BEFORE COMING IN HERE TO DISCUSS IT. CART BEFORE THE HORSE. MORONS!!!!!!!!!


I consider it one of the funniest films I have seen ... but it is also deeply sad especially when you realize the situation the two leads are in and those final scenes..


Withnail was a sucky friend and a sucky human being.
He got what he deserved. He lost the only friend that was loyal to him.
I didn't think it was sad at all.


Pretty cold of you to say, did you not see the charm and innate potential for greatness in Withnail? That's what's so depressing, a wonderful life thrown away. Just because he brought it upon himself doesn't mean, at all, he deserves his demise.


Err, of course he deserves it if he brought it on himself. He chose to be a shit ‘friend’ and constantly drink himself into oblivion. He could have shaped up and made something of himself, like ‘I’ did, but chose self pity and self-destruction. It’s all on him.


Whereas, of course, you're a real advert for humanity...

Make tea, not war.



You clicked on a thread titled "truly one of the saddest films ever." In what way did you believe it wouldn't contain spoilers?


I teared up a bit. I simply loved this movie.


Have you not seen 'Dancer in the Dark'? I think you'd change your mind if you saw that.


Dancer in the dark was effective and quite emotional sure,bit too hysterical to be truly shattering i thought..

So it guess it means there's trouble til the robin's come....



Thanks for spoiling "Dancer In the Dark" for me.

I'm kidding of course. We all know he dies from cheese poisoning.
