Favorite Girl

my favorite girl was Cindy. i dont know why.

wendy was a slut

marie was okay

connie was kinda cool

the other kids were annoying


Mine's Marie Lubbock. She was very beautiful, although she's like a geek with glasses.


i liked cindy too,marie was ok and wendy was kinda slutty but she was just a tease.connie annoyed me and so did the younger girl..whatever her name was...lol


That was Sherry.


My favorite was Cindy and Wendy!
I think it's awesome that Heather and Brooke both did
Nighmare on Elm Street!


Connie was awesome! and so was Cindy. Those too sure did add to my pre-teen angst when the show was on USA haha.



My favourite was Marie. :)


Me too. Liked Cindy, but really I like the actress that played her, Jamie Luner.



Connie, she was the only one to the kids who had any depth to her character, the others were all one-dementional steriotypes.

Cindy was the beautiful air-head

Wendy was the flirtatious tease

Marie was the goody-two-shoe religious type

JR was the dim-witted yet lovable kid

Sherry was the obnoxiously smart kid.

Connie's character, by contrast, had several dementions. She was dark, brooding and intellcutal. The was a feminist but could still at times be every bit the Vixen that here older sisters were.

Don't get me wrong though. I loved this show and all its characters. The use of one dementional archetypes gave the show a real "Gilligan's Island" type feel. And to be put in the same ranking as "Gilligan's Island" is more the a complement to any show.


I liked all of them in their own way but my favorite would be Marie, but Cindy is a very close second.



Wendy was totally my favorite she was the most confident and beautiful and her antics were amusing. Everyone else was ok, but Sherry annoyed me big time


Constance, without a doubt. Wait...I doubted for a second. Nevermind, it's still Constance.


marie cuz.........heather lagenkamp rules.

and cindy cuz..............she's soooo dumb. its hilarious!

" Sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them."-noes 3: dream warriors


Marie and Wendy were always my favorite girls.



Well it's been a while since I've seen the show but if my
memory serves me correctly,Constance was my favorite followed
by Marie.Although being a 13 year old hetero male when the show
first aired,it was great and I loved all the girls.


I always liked the 4 oldest. I loved Wendy and Cindy growing up.


My favorites as a child were Wendy and Cindy, with Wendy probably having a slight edge. I secretly (sometimes) liked Marie, but thought she was a huge geek. Connie and Sherry were just annoying.

Rock 'n' roll comme ci, rock 'n' roll comme ca, rock 'n' roll que sera sera!


Wendy was great.The energy that Brooke Theiss put into that character was just amazing.My favorite was her from day one.


Mine also though I wouldn't turn any of the four oldest down.
