MovieChat Forums > Pellam33

Pellam33 (91)


Very Pretty Pretty Hot! Rosie the cow View all posts >


I agree it was watchable. Not great. At first we thought there were 4-5 hoods in the place but at the end we had counted 7! Still ok movie though and knew the ending (cat) long before it was over. 100% agree! She looks GOOD! Yeah- really the only part I cringe at because Phelps just stands there and does absolutely nothing but look shocked. He knew what those glasses were and didnt do anything? Interesting thought- very possible. I always thought the audience decides what happen next. I agree possibly made it to the 90s or 2000 but pretty much dead by then. It was a good show and it and Blakes 7 were my favorite British sci-fi programs at the time. Mine also though I wouldn't turn any of the four oldest down. Yeah, I do remember only a couple shows that had anything pertaining to the movies. You'd think there would be alot more. Jealous are we? The arms for hostages situation was probably his biggest negative but Iran did back down quick. Cold war is ended? news to me. View all replies >