MovieChat Forums > Ronald Reagan Discussion > Best President Ever?

Best President Ever?

Presided over the biggest economic turn around in history; ended the Cold War with the USSR and as a former actor and known as the Great Communicator, embodied the Presidency: knew how to do the job and make people feel proud to be an American again.


I disagree. He was a very good president, but I think Donkey Kong was the best president ever.


Anti-gun, homophobic, unable to take responsibility, etc. Reagan was a more friendly and less rapey/corrupt version of Trump.


The arms for hostages situation was probably his biggest negative but Iran did back down quick.


I'm assuming you're FOR Fauci? He was the one in charge of the AIDS response. History does repeat itself.


What do you mean by "for Fauci"?


Ranb, Ranb, Ranb! I think I'm falling in love with you! I adore your absolute cluelessness! I think your pretense of superiority is the hottest thing on the internet. Of course your cluelessness is a pretense, too, but your love of all things Democrat while pretending you have no idea what I'm talking about? That's sheer brilliance! Of course, every other troll on the internet does it, but there's something special about you Ranb! Please, please continue with these brainless responses! I can't get enough!

Now I'm going to have to take a cold shower. Oh, what you do to me, Ranb!


The economic turn has a never of factors to it. Not just a single president of single country.

Also saying "as the Great Communicator" and "make people feel proud to be an American again."
Aren't legitimate reasons. Otherwise that would mean that having a cult leader as the president would be a good thing.


Cold war is ended? news to me.


Yes until Democrats got their feelings hurt in 2016 because Putin wouldn’t help Hilary rig the election.

Kinda like Iraq was a done deal til Obama pissed away victory.

This is what Democrats do. They are complete failures at foreign policy. Imagine hate America first not working.


Yes, massive peace dividend and everything. It was wonderful. We really should have tried to build on that.


George Washington


He's certainly got to be up there. Teddy Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge are on that list. Love him or hate him, you can't argue that Donald Trump did great things for the country during his term, though most of it was derailed by Covid and the current administration.

If you go back through them all, others on the "best list" would be Cleveland, Hayes, Pierce, Tyler, Van Buren, Madison, Jefferson, and Washington. Maybe Taft sneaks into the list?


The left under Carter was such a massive failure. Hostage crisis. Gas lines. 20% interest rates/inflation. Complete incompetence from Jimmy Carter. Democrats wanted to make the presidency a multi person job because it was “too big for one person”.

Reagan reestablished American Leadership and dominance.

The problem for Democrats is they hate the country and its people, so it provides a challenge convincing the people they’re doing a good job when they’re working for its destruction.


Definitely in the Top 5!


Best Republican president in the last 50 years.
