Worst Friday the 13th ever!

How it could be so *beep* bad?? Even the earlier part, the 6th was better. This movie sucks in so many levels. Ideas copied from many older horror movies like Carrie like character and so cliche evil step father and mother who don't believe her daughter. And quite bad acting in start. Also screenplay, cinematography and editing are complete garbage. I know this is sequel of b slasher but still its so bad. Fourh and 5th shows that even b slasher movie's sequel can be quite good. But this, its horrible...


What's horrible is your grasp of the English language.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.



My least favorite is either JASON X or the reboot. This one is actually one of my favorites.



This one is actually one of my favorites. 

That means you have good taste ;)


I like this one. I did not like Part 8 at all. That was boring


After the awesome part 6 and after reading the summary for part 7 I was really excited thinking this would be some sort of Carrie vs. Jason movie, but it has got to be the most boring film in the series. Boring deaths, boring characters, absolutely messed up time-line and a tired setting. Only the last 15 minutes are worth watching, but even that was ruined by the dumb ending. Here's hopping part 8 will be different in a good way.


Here's hopping part 8 will be different in a good way.

If you hated this one than you'll loathe part 8 lmao.


no, jason X is the WORST.


Check your math. 5 and 7 are the worst. Mathematically speaking.


Telekinesis is used in many films, shows, and stories. It was nothing like Carrie whatsoever other than she has psycho-kinesis/telekinesis. Tina also had visions and was also kind of psychic too, unlike Carrie White. Also there was no step-father in the movie at all. There were her dead dad and the doctor who wasn't even dating her mom. She was under mental duress and the visions mad lots of people not believe her at first. Tina was more like Jean Grey than she was Carrie White. The acting and screenplay were about the same as all the 80's Jason movies, and honestly a little better.

This is actually regarded as one of the favorite sequels. The editing might be a tad choppy at parts because it had to be edited down due to the original rating of X, by the MPAA. The kills were very inventive, I saw the edits on YouTube. The cinematography was better in this than many of the other ones.

Other than your terrible use of the English language, do you have any specific examples of your film critique?

"Lift a finger against me, and you'll have to answer to MOO."
- Snyder to Buffy


I agree ChosenOne83, this movie had a lot of things that ultimately weighed it down which wasn't the fault of the filmmakers at all. The MPAA was the biggest thorn in the side and Buechler was constantly undermined by the Associate Producer (Barbara Sachs) that it's almost impossible that this movie even exists.

There seemed to be a lot of drama on and off set. The majority of the male actors were screwing each other, the two leads didn't get along and the actors who played Ben and Kate encountered racism for being black when they were in town (this movie was shot in the deep south). I give Buechler and company major props for churning out the best movie that they could.

I regard it as one of the best in the series, even though the deaths are heavily trimmed they still are pretty inventive I mean the sleeping bag death alone is probably the most talked about death scene in the series. And you get to see Jason kill people with just his bare hands for once: the sleeping bag kill, the underwater kill, the head crush, hell even the girl who goes out the window (although that was done in part 4 too, still counts). There's enough nudity to make any school boy blush and we get the baddest looking Jason bar none in the series. I think this stands head and shoulders above the majority of the sequels.


What’s this about the majority of the male leads having sex with each other? Name names! And sources.


I hated this movie too. Everything after Part 6 was crap. Part 6 was actually pretty well made. This one had a boring story, boring characters, and I couldn't stand the actress who played Tina (Lar Park Lincoln?). Hated this movie.


Couldn't make it through. Sat through the first 30 minutes and it was boring. Couldn't wait to shut it off. Unless someone makes me watch it, I'm not watching it.


After the first four films I would say this is definately one of the better films. 5 and 6 were just weak. 5 was the absolute worst after the final chapter, 6 was silly, almost a comedy with all the lines the kids had. 8 had potential until the dumb ending and everything after 8 sucked. Freddy vs Jason was decent but should have used Kane on that.

