Worst Friday the 13th ever!

How it could be so *beep* bad?? Even the earlier part, the 6th was better. This movie sucks in so many levels. Ideas copied from many older horror movies like Carrie like character and so cliche evil step father and mother who don't believe her daughter. And quite bad acting in start. Also screenplay, cinematography and editing are complete garbage. I know this is sequel of b slasher but still its so bad. Fourh and 5th shows that even b slasher movie's sequel can be quite good. But this, its horrible...



5, 8, 10 and 11 were all worse.


I have been rewatching the series recently, and I actually quite enjoyed this one. Kudos to them for trying something different with the telekinetic angle.

Part 5 also tried something different, with the killer not being Jason and all (of course, we didn't know it wasn't him through most of the movie), but I thought 5 was a little weak. 6 had its moments, but was pretty much more of the same (with tamer gore and nudity than the previous films).

I enjoyed Part 8, surprisingly.

Part 9 is weak sauce, but did have a lot of gore.


nope! Jason goes to hell is the worst!


JGTH, Part 5, Jason X were FAR worse than this one, even 3 was worse.



Of all the times I've seen it, I've never thought of it as bad as you describe it. Sure, a lot of ideas are copied or simply cliches, but to say that Part V is better than this one is almost criminal.

There is absolutely nothing to like in that piece of crap. Except for Harry Manfredini's score, of course.

Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.


Apparently you haven't seen The Final Friday or Jason X...This entry blows those two out of the water!!!

The feeling we have here — remember it, take it home and do some good with it. Please be kind


No this wasn't the worst(Jason X and New Beginning) or the best(Jason Lives) but its solid.


Anything would be a breath of fresh air after 6. I appreciate that John Buechler at least tried to make a scary film. He didn't succeed, but he tried. I don't even know what Tom McLoughlin thought he was doing, but he should have been fired for doing it.

The lousy underscore was the worst offender, although I do like all the FM and Stan Meissner songs that were used. A better DP might have helped too. Probably the most poorly-lensed Friday in the entire series, and that includes the one that was shot by a porno DP. Heck, even "Terror Night" (which I am rewatching right now, and which Staci Greason and William Butler did 3 months before this and which somehow managed to not even be deemed worthy of a straight-to-video release) had better cinematography. Not surprised Daryl Haney was horrified when he saw it, for all the wrong reasons.


For myself that is hardly the case and that honor goes to Friday the 13th:A New Beginning at least this film had a few enjoyable things but it's still at the bottom of the barrel of this franchise for me.

Let's list the things Friday the 13th Part VII:The New Blood does right.
1)That girl hiding from Jason in the shack was full of tension.
2)The House Explosion at end was kind of cool.
3)I like how Tina made Jason into a fool.

I certainly think this film is awful I don't like how it takes a already overrated entry in the franchise The Final Chapter and adds a Carrie twist to it that was lame.
This film just like the Final Chapter was a major step down from the previous entry's film.
Look at Friday the 13th Part III it's scary but it does have some lighthearted moments to it and is generally fun the same thing can be said about Jason Lives:Friday the 13th Part VI.


Jason Takes Vancouver ... err, I mean Manhattan gets my vote as the all-time worst and weakest sequel in the entire series.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find
