MovieChat Forums > Moonwalker (1989) Discussion > Honest insight from a true fan

Honest insight from a true fan

Back in 1988, I adored this film and watched it practically every single day. Today, I still adore this film as much as I did 21 years ago. Why? Because I love Michael Jackson. To a lot of people, especially those who are not fans, this film may look like it was born out of Michael's supposed megalomania, but any die-hard fan sees it differently. Moonwalker accomplished exactly what it was supposed to, give fans more Michael Jackson! Show his beginnings, his videos, parodies of his videos, his memorabilia and things that he loved, as well as a look into his creativity and his broad imagination. That's what fans want, Michael, Michael, Michael! And that's what this film is, plain and simple. I am sorry, but you can't call yourself a true fan of Michael Jackson and say that you hate this film, it's contradictory. This film is Michael, his music, and his videos, how can you say you hate those things if you are a fan? Some people take films too seriously and critique every single scene and line until it destroys the film. This film is just a whole lot of fun. So sit back, relax and enjoy.


Very well written. I concur completely!

Michael Jackson is, was and always will be the greatest entertainer of all time!


"Michael Jackson is, was and always will be the greatest entertainer of all time! "


He was amazing.


I'm a true fan too and have been since I was 7 in 1982!

I'm am still mourning this death with deep pain.

I bought "Michael Jackson The Ultimate Collection" mainly to watch "Moonwalker" again. I haven't seen I was about 14 or 15. I think MTV played it once. I remember taping it on VHS at the time. I was so excited to see it again.

I finally got the DVD's I bought in the mail today and sad my own kids don't want to join me to watch Moonwalker.

He was an amazing man & so far it is a great joy to see Moonwalker again. What an amazing man!

Anyone who speaks ill of Michael Jackson needs to realize that no matter how hard they try no one can impact and change the world like Michael Jackson did in his amazing and wonderful yet short life!

My heart still aches for the world and his family. He is dearly missed.

I've been given the comfort of knowing that he is dancing for God now.


add a bit of rain to this....

the whole film's an ego piece. It seems almost everything MJ has done has been an ego up the paving slabs and turning tramps into millionaires in Billie Jean, to having kids chase after him or emulate him in every scene/video/movie, gold stardust shooting from his hands, turning into werewolves, zombies, ghosts....if not ego, then a testament to his ever changing appearance and a commentary on his image as a whole.

Moonwalker is just an excersise of the same thing. MJ the Hero destroying the evil "drug baron" who "just wants to get everyone high, man"....right....real narrative there MJ...this and almost everything he's collected on video has been an excersise in his self love...devoid of story or character or anything that remotely narrows him down as a human being, except as this Jesus-like superstar who everyone adores.

Not one for self analysis was he?

Sorry. I know you're all fans....enjoy his work, it'll be there forever!!!


Hey trevorhart. I came across this little vocabulary word the other day, maybe I should share it with you.

a noun.

1. The act of entertaining.
2. The art or field of entertaining.
3. Something that amuses, pleases, or diverts, especially a performance or show.
4. The pleasure afforded by being entertained; amusement.
5. An activity that is diverting and that holds the attention.

It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Not everything needs a psychological cross-examination. Lighten up.


I agree, Mocha.

Trevorhart's entitled to his own opinion, but I really think he over analyzed a lot of things.

The lighting up sidewalks and turning hobos into millionairs was just stuff in a music video. That's all it was. Weird and strange things happen in music videos. Obviously Michael didn't actually think he could do those magical things. Ever seen superman? I'm sure that Christopher Reeve didn't actually think he was an almighty international hero.

And as for the kids following him around--they really did that! Kids LOVED Michael and always wanted to be around him. Lisa Marie Presley once stated that kids wouldn't even let Michael go into the bathroom by himself. Obviously Michael didn't allow that (lol) but still, his kid friends never let him out of their sight.


I just want to say I love this movie. It's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, if it could even be considered that, considering it rocks. I broke the tape I had of it, and am now looking for the DVD's if they even exist. If anyone knows can they help out. Thanks. RIP Michael I will miss you.


As a devoted fan, I still have to say, that this is the worst of MJ's movies. "The Wiz", "Captain Eo" and "Ghosts" are all better than this. I guess it's because it's very silly, and when it comes to silly, it can easily become too much. It's still worth a watch though, if you like Michael. The music is still good, and he was so fine back then. Non-fans should stay away from it though, I'm afraid.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Yes, why overanalyze this delightful movie? Having said is my analysis. Perhaps it could have been edited better but I don't think MJ showed megalomania in this movie. You have a fine looking guy who after escaping his fans and the press wants to save the children from an evil drug lord, he plays ball in the sunshine with 3 kids and a dog, turns into a flying car, etc., stops to perform along the way and ends the show with a performance where he looks sooooo FINE.
It was magical, musical with wonderful singing, dancing and some cool special affects. Also MJ was sweet, wanted to be a hero, ran like the wind and looked so sexy.
Sounds like a description of Michael Jackson himself.


Well, and to call ALL of it an ego trip is LOOKING for something bad to say about Michael. Maybe these videos, and Smooth Criminal turning into a superhero of sorts is not him saying 'look how awesome i am', but taking the chance to be what he WANTED to's not a portrayal of himself, but what he "could" be...does that make sense?

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."


Agreed with everything you said right up until the last line. Grow up, he's dead and he no longer exists except in our minds/memories and to attach your childish beliefs with his name just insults him.


That's precisely how I felt.
It's not as if he was hoping to win an Oscar with this. It was fun to make for him.

just a little bit of you everyday, will surely keep the doctor away <3


Well said!


I should say well put......but I won't!


I just watched the movie for the first time last night, I didn't even know about it until recently. I thought it was a great movie and I love all of the songs and short films they showed. But I just want to know the point in the movie. I'm in no way trying to be insulting, I really enjoyed the movie, but what was the whole part with the drug dealer? I liked how that explained the kids in the Smooth Criminal short film and like what happened to the little girl at the end of the film because I had always wondered that while watching Smooth Criminal. Before watching Moonwalker I thought that it was just going to be Michael saving the kids from the drug dealer, I wasn't expecting to see all of his short films. Also why was Bad redone with a bunch of kids? I thought it was so cute but I was kinda confused.


Because Michael just loooooooooooooooooved kids, especially 9 y.o. He just wanted to spray his love all over them.


Well, I guess that there was only one single point to this entire movie: Michael wanted to entertain himself and his (younger) fans. It is futile to try to get more than that out of it, because that is as deep as it ever gets.


This is a classic in my opinion! I remember first seeing it in 1991 and we got one of the Sega games too! (I think my sister might still have it actually lol). But I always loved the film and I feel it’s underrated.
