Had potential, but.....

I've just watched Cinema Paradiso, and I'm amazed that it is held in such universal regard.
Yes, it was a good film. It kept me very interested for the first half, and had several good moments. I loved the character of the priest, and Toto as a young kid also.
HOWEVER... the last hour was some of the worst cinema I've seen in a long time. It was simply painful to watch. Hollywood sappy sentimentality mixed with an indulgent homage to the film itself. Not only was the ending poor, it showed up a major flaw in the movie... that the storyline didn't really have any purpose. The film started out as a really enjoyable homage to movies, halfway through became a teenage love story, and then ended up as a sort of character piece. It was a shame especially because Cinema Paradiso had so much potential... there were plenty of good scenes early on, and if they had downplayed the sentimentality a bit, it would have been quite moving.
It's not the first time I've watched a film that looked like it was going to be really good but turned out disappointing, it just surprises me that apparently the only people who don't love this film are trolls. Surely there are other serious film viewers out there who share my disappointment in this movie.


Name one, idiot...



I completely agree! The beginning of this movie was great I thought and it was a good homage to cinema, but then the romance scenes when he was a teen became too much involved and took away from the main plot, which was the love of movies. The ending I didn't think wasnt that bad I liked it and I thought it was a smart (but predictable) way to bring Alfredo back into it and wrap it all up. But yes I think the romance was wayyy too much for the story and the whole second half of the movie ended up being some what terrible



I first saw it 2 years ago. I rate it 10/10 and it's in my top 40. It also dethroned The Rescue (1988) as my favorite movie of 1988.

I've been listening to the score over and over again, lately. That prompted me to buy the movie. I ordered it from Amazon, last Thursday and it came on Saturday. I watched the original cut on Tuesday. It was still beautiful. I fell in love with the ending and it moved me. It's now one of my top 20 endings.

I watched the director's cut for the first time, yesterday. It was an interesting take on it. It had a good, "What if" situation in it. But my favorite version of the movie is the original cut.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!
