the deaths

please tell me I'm not the only person that felt really sick after Angela drowned that girl in the out house


Not to beat the Ally subject to death but I loved this movie and I loved Ally! She was an interesting character because she was kind of a b**ch and also pretty wild. She got naked, had sex and had the best death in the movie. I was 13 or so when I saw this and it hit all the right spots for me! I'm pretty sure I was the target audience. Yeah it was a nasty way to die but that's the point. A bullet to the heart would be boring. Admittedly, her death is on the OTHER END of that spectrum but hey, that's what entertainment is for. My friends and I were all delightfully disgusted watching that scene and I think that was the goal. It's a cheesy slasher movie after all right? Just my opinion.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


Omg, like, that was the worst death scene ever. The most horrible way to die.
