Which is your favortie?

I loved all of them, but my favorite would be the second one.
The deaths are funnier and more creative (leeches in the out house!!), I actually didnt want molly & sean to die, unlike in number three where all of them could have died and I wouldn't care.
What do yall think?


I agree the second one was the best! I thought that the story was unique and was full of great dark humor (and unintentional humor) and charm, not to mention several memorable death scenes. The beginning of the second movie might be my favorite bit from this trilogy.

The first one was awesome, but I unfortunately knew about the twist before seeing the movie (thank you Robot Chicken!).

Just watched the third one, and then the workprint on the bluray. If I saw the movie in a more cleaned up version that was uncut, maybe my rating on this would be higher. Even still, the movie was bad and not in a good way.
