That sex scene

Does anyone notice how uncomfortable Stacie Lambert looks during the sex scene? She kept pushing Michael J. Pollard hands away from her breasts. Not that I blame her, he's quite old & rancid!

Do you think this the reason she never made another movie???

"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


Yea I noticed that too. I don't blame her either. I can't figure out how they expected us to believe that her character would be attracted to someone like him. He's probably one of the least attractive men I've ever seen.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go fill my freezer with my own blood"



LOL hey I remember you from the ILL boards XD how funny. I say that because I've seen numerous other ILL posters on different Horror movie boards. What a world :-)

Anyway, everyone has their own lil standard of hotness, some are atrracted to older perverted guys some are attracted to chubby types etc. Check out the "Who honestly would sleep with Herman" thread its quite hilarious as it turns into a "Who honestly WOULDNT sleep with Herman" thread

For the record, I would totally hit that.


LOL hey I remember you from the ILL boards XD how funny. I say that because I've seen numerous other ILL posters on different Horror movie boards. What a world :-)

I guess us ILL people just have good taste.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go fill my freezer with my own blood"


I'm sure she wasn't too turned on but hey, Pollard had his 15 seconds of glory and its on film and has been seen by millions lol!!!! I bet he has that scene on continuous loop playing over and over. And I don't blame him one bit! ;)


"Herbert, what are you doing?, get back in here..."


She loved his playboy belt lol...dirty old man

"I've never chopped wood before. But I've chopped other things"
SCIII Teenage Wasteland


He put alot of his creative input into that scene

"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


I can't imagine that she was paid that much either to be in the movie.........

She must have been really REALLY desperate for cash.

WALK?! Are you fat AND dumb?!


She probably became a christian after!

"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


I could be wrong, but I think they possibly had an older attractive guy in mind for the part, but ended up casting Michael J. Pollard instead, because he'd be pretty funny. That scene where he gets beat with a stick outside the tent without making a sound, until the end, is weird/funny.


I doubt thats why she never made another movie lol. Michael is pretty gross, but its not like they did that much, and it was only for about a minute or so.

by the way, she was really pretty =]


The movie scene plays around 20 secs but shooting the scene would have taken much longer (Ha..for the actress anyway). Michaels trying to grab the boobs the whole time *cringe*. That was the scariest scene for me!

"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


lmao!! That scene is so funny! You can totally see Herman getting his ass beat with a stick through the tent and Jan is just like "Herman what are you doing, get back here" like he's just taking a stroll around the tent...these movies get me every time, they're so hilarious.


Stacie Lambert is now doing alot of charity work according to the commentary.
Someone else mentioned that she probably got paid nothing to do this movie,
but then again she's only in it for all of 10 minutes at best and she has
less than a dozen lines. Not to mention this was a low budget movie, Pamela
Springsteen probably didn't make too much herself and she was the main star.

But as for Jan, I wished they would've done more with her character. I'd have
loved to see her getting it on with all the guys at the camp and then maybe
dying while she's in the middle of screwing someone. That would've been cooler
than seeing her die after a couple of wacks with a stick.

Plus, the fact that Angela barbecues her dead body kinda pissed me off too!


"sweet peaaaaa c'mon sweetpeaaa"

lol at the playboy belt

"Damn good coffee!" - Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks


Dude actually made it to her nipple, too.


The whole set up made me laugh so hard! The whole "Sweet pea" thing. And then them both getting smacked with the stick! LMFAO.


Hey, just remember, Herman used to rob banks with Bonnie and Clyde so, you know... a little respect.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


She probably never made another movie because having great boobs is not really a substitute for acting talent (outside the porn industry anyway). Same with Valerie Hartman in "Part 2" and Jill Terashita in this (although she also displayed her boobs in "Night of the Demons"). I do like that the girls in these "Sleepaway" sequels look like REAL 80's girls and not silicone-breasted porn stars.

The mismatched sex scene I think was supposed to be funny. But still, having a sex scene with an unattractive man who was in "Bonnie and Clyde" isn't as degrading as working at McDonald's or being a crack whore. If I were an actor, I wouldn't give up my career because I had to do a tame simulated sex scene with Kathy Bates or Melissa McCarthy. I'm sure she read the script and knew what she was in for.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


Maybe it's just me, but from my point of view it appeared as though Michael J. Pollard was very uncomfortable himself during that scene as well. Was I the only one who thought so?

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


It was a strange scene.
