The Final Episode :(

i was watching the final episode few days ago and i was really sad during it. it had it's funny moments but i was also aware of subtle hints in every joke about the horror of WW1 or any other war. but did anyone else noticed when they were all waiting for the 'big push' darling said: Thank God! We lived through it. The Great War, 1914 to 1917. ? was i the only one who was sadened by that statement because war lasted another whole year, a year full of more unecessary killings of young men? :(


I always love how they manage to show how insane the war was and still make it a brilliant comedy, i read somewhere that the BBC producers had made the ending where they show them being gunned down but at a showing in the editing room the people there did not like it and two of the producing team said they would change it and made the ending we see, they then showed it to the crew in the editing room and there was complete silence and almost all of them were in tears, some of them crying. The ending is to me the only ending of a television show that i can always remember i vivid details.

Amazing television making!.

Better to die laughing, than to perish in boredom.


The entire fourth season could be shown as a stand-alone series, without the need for the previous three seasons. It is an encapsulated tragicomedy. I would recommend that its episodes be shown on successive days so as to end on November 11, Armistice Day.



Reading through all the comments, and I'm in agreement about the excellence of this last episode. I love Blackadder, and indeed most British/Irish sitcoms in general. But this episode was really a perfect mix of gallows humor and genuine drama; a very rare thing to find, especially done with such fine balance.

Like others found, this was the episode that for me turned Darling from a one-note lick-spittle into a genuine, real character with hopes and dreams of his own. That one comment about marrying Doris was brilliant for that reason.

But the thing I took away from this episode more than anything else was this was the first time you really see Edmund actually show some real military bearing and leadership. Here's a guy who's a career army officer but never really acts like it, until this last moment when he resignedly puts on his helmet and leads the charge over the wall. No shirking, no holding back; at that last moment he was a true soldier and leader, which made the ending that much more poignant.

One thing I always thought I saw when I watched this, and wondered about others. When they go over the top and the film goes into slow-motion, I could swear it looked like Blackadder at least was shot almost immediately. It's kind of hard to tell, really, because it IS so slow, but it looks like he grimaces, and is being knocked back a bit. It's only for a second, but that's what it looked like to me. Anyone else see that? If you watch this YouTube video, go to 2:51 and pause; you'll see what I mean.

Whores will have their trinkets.
