MovieChat Forums > Back to the Future Part II (1989) Discussion > Unfortunate representation of African Am...

Unfortunate representation of African Americans!

The alternative 1985, the dystopian, the “nightmare”.

What did the director think would fit this nightmare reality? A black family living in Marty’s house. That’s right, black folk have moved into their neighbourhood. One of those “there goes the neighbourhood” storylines.

But it gets worse.

The black father, dressed in a wife beater, attempts to smash in Marty’s head with a baseball bat. He’s so unhinged that he whacks his daughters personal belongings instead, smashing up the room. He’s presented as a gorilla on a rampage, so enraged that he can’t think straight. Violence, not dialogue, is his recourse.

I’m surprised this isn’t spoken of more. Such terrible representation. They used black people to paint a “dystopian” and that’s pretty sad.


That's ridiculous.

It's obvious Marty affected something in the time/space continuum and turned his family black.


When I think of 1985A being presented as a dystopia, I think of the bikies surrounding Biff´s casino, or Mr Strickland looking like Rambo, not the small black family that live at Marty´s house.


How is that any different than the crazy old white man shooting at Marty in BTTF when he crashed his car into the barn at the pine farm?


Good point.

I know I can remember when I watched that particular scene in the film as a little girl for the first time, I wasn't thinking about race nor did I care


when you see black person in film from older times, it is usually wrtten in script as white people, or color no specify. they only cast blak back then for quota. so the family you see in film are not written as black, just anyone. your own libtard mind see it as offensive.


I just thought they were a normal family who wanted to mind their own business while trying to survive in an alternate future that was plagued by increasing violence and urban decay. The daughter screamed and the father had a baseball bat ready because it wouldn't have been the first time they had to worry about a home invasion.






Crediting Marty for inventing Rock music and kickstarting Chuck Berry's career was way more racially underhanded and dare I say WOKE before Rightwingers started pinning the term onto Liberal boogeymen.


they were correct chuck barry did not invent rock music because i listen to chuck barry and he does not sound like metallica hahahahahhaahah


Ironically, the McFly family at the end of the Eric Stoltz version had a black maid.
