MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > South Africans and Racism

South Africans and Racism

One thing I find that p!sses me off about this movie or any Hollywood movie or TV show that has anything to do with South Africa, is they way Hollywood always makes reference to racism. South Africans are being portrayed as being as being the biggest racist in the world.

This movie is the perfect example. Lethal Weapon 2, has Mel Gibson playing a white LA cop. Hollywood is trying to show the world that white LA cops like black people. Martin Riggs has a best friend and colleague that is black..hooray!!!Look everyone LA cops like black people.

But wait, here’s the funny part...This movie was made in 1989. Now what happened to 2 years after this movie release…what happened to a black motorist by the name of Rodney King at the hands of white LA cops…"People that live in glass houses…". Need I say more.

Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.


south africa has yet to get over its racist history.. it took until 1990 to get mandela out of prison, until 1994 to give blacks the vote.. scream about hollywood all you want.. real life was worse..

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


who cares?

Firstly -> This movie is about twenty years old.

Secondly -> Its made in Hollywood, where the usual enemies are Germans, Russians, Middle Eastern people, Asians, South Americans...Even English people are used far more often as villains.
This is the first movie not directly related to South African history that has used Afrikaan villains that I have heard of....So what the *beep* is the big deal?

Jesus. Go cry a *beep* river...Its not as if they made the whole Apartheid thing up. You treat any group of people like *beep* based on race/religion/ethnicity and they'll put you in a movie somewhere...Hollywood is always racked for original ideas.

Thirdly -> If you know anything about hollywood you can pretty much see exactly why they chose South Africans...To be original. It wasnt as if a bunch of American Producers were sitting around in a room trying to settle their personal vendetta against South Africans.

...and a comment was made relating Apartheid to the treatment of Maori in New Zealand...being a kiwi I have to say, that's pretty ridiculous. While Maori weren't treated well by any means, and not being proud of our history and being quite embarrased by it, infact - I can safely say Maori were treated ALOT better than South African Blacks, ESPECIALLY in the 20th century....If you wanna go comparing the two. You seem to forget the 1981 rugby springbok tour of NZ and the mayhem that caused down here.


Everyone seems to be missing the fact that this film was released 19 years ago, when apartheid was indeed the SA way of doing things. whereas today its gone full circle and if you're a white south african you are considered as being the "wrong" colour and likely to be treated as second class.


It has NOT gone full circle. That is misleading nonsense. I live in South Africa and although the political power is majority black (reflecting the population), the economic power rests largely with the white minority. Whatever people say, one is statistically far better off in SA if born white. It is true that there is economic reform to attempt to redress the balance and that is necessarily a lengthy and difficult process. Lots of white people in SA complain that they cannot get a job because of "affirmative action", but unemployment amongst white people remains (even in percentage terms) a tiny fraction of unemployment amongst black people.


"Whatever people say, one is statistically far better off in SA if born white."

Until they get shot in the face for no other crime other than being white. But I suppose that's "justice" isn't it?

If you love IMDb user Ape_Walk and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature.


I have a south african mate, who is pretty racist. He was talking about the state of the country and how it has suffered under the ANC...I asked why they kept voting for them then. he said "never underestimate the stupidity of a K*fir"


Well, that's fine. I see your friend, and raise you two white South African friends of mine who are not. Racist people exist in all layers of ethnic groups and societies. You're likely to run into some at some point.


"real life was worse"...Have you seen the current state of South Africa. Apartheid, is a walk in the park compared to what is happening and what is still going to happen in South Africa.

You should see the amount of people that come knocking on our front doors everyday begging for food, money, clothes etc.

People are worse off today than what is was under apartheid, yet they will still continue to vote ANC.

Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.


Look what kinda place has South-Africa become since. President accused of rape in a country whats capitol city is also known as "rape capitol of world".

And lets not forget that it was last year when South-African goverment finally announced that AIDS is real disease.



President accused of rape

"During the trial, Zuma admitted to having unprotected sex with his accuser but claimed that he took a shower afterwards to cut the risk of contracting HIV."

also in SA -in-south-africa-for-witchcraft

"Albino girl beheaded in South Africa for witchcraft."


I don't get the poster. SA was extremely unfriendly towards black people in the apartheid era and a minority white regime dictated. Only whites where allowed to vote. The Rika girls is SA and Riggs doesn't hate her for that. The other SA goons are obviously evil and for example uses the name Kaffer. BTW every russian is not evil as well even though like 90% of 80's action movies portrays them so, just so you know :)


lol. this thread is full to the brim with FAIL.


South Africans are racist *beep* get over it


I'm a South African born after Apartheid and I have no right to be racist. And seeing how this film portrayed South Africa at that time was quite necessary in my opinion. Because like any person on Earth who did not experience Apartheid - but to know of it and what it leaves behind, is something that isn't polite at all.

Honestly, to see Mel Gibson, Danny Glover and Joe Pesci actually LAUGH at the South African Immigrations Officer when he stated that he was black showed just how pathetic racism is. But the use of the word "Kaffir" repeatedly is quite offensive but the movie turned this around by showing that the word was ineffective in another country.

I remember seeing a picture saying "help end Apartheid" or something on Roger's fridge in the first Lethal Weapon.

I think it was really good that they raised awareness of Apartheid in South Africa and of the way they portrayed South Africans in this film. I get kinda excited to see South African Mercenaries and bad guys or when famous Hollywood actors portray South Africans lol like in Blood Diamond (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Invictus (Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman)

You don't watch Nolan movies, they watch you!


How was District 9 for ya?


The deliberate comparison of South Africa with Nazi Germany is particularly ridiculous and offensive. The South African government was not racist, and Apartheid was not based on White supremacy. It was originally based on the idea that races had to be allowed to have their own nations - to avoid any one (e.g. Whites) being overwhelmed. Separate but equal, if you like. The reality may not have been equality, but it was not based on the notion of White supremacy. Only the most extreme and fringe groups in South African ever espoused White Supremacy - such groups were more popular in the USA. The reality is also that by the 1980's apartheid had ended. The process of creating an inclusive body politic dragged on for years because the ANC preferred violence to negotiations, and Mandela in particular refused to be released from prison to engage in talks.


South Africa deserved the negative publicity in this film because of what was happening at the time. Funny how when the boot is on the other foot - so many people feel upset about negative portrayals.

You can't have a country with laws like South Africa had with Apartheid and expect not to be condemned for it. Yes - almost every colony from European imperialists had a system like that - the problem with South Africa was that they clung to they oppressive regime long, long, long after it was considered to be an outrage - and other places had outlawed such practice. Blame the Nationalist Party of South Africa for this publicity.

BTW - of course not every white South African approved of the system - the problem is that enough of them voted the party back in to power time after time in consecutive elections. It's funny to hear other groups complain that the actions of a few people does not represent their whole group yet they are so quick to condemn the whole minority races over the actions of a few. How very hypocritical! Not saying that YOU are necessarily one of those, but I am saying that it happens too damn often.


Puerto Ricans are racially white most of the time, or predominantly so. Hispanic is not a race. I have several close friends that are Boriqua and they are very white to light brown but all caucasian....
