MovieChat Forums > Prancer (1989) Discussion > Heartwarming or depressing?

Heartwarming or depressing?


As opposed to most of the comments I've seen about this movie, I see it as a chronicle of an abused girl's descent into madness. It's heartbreaking how this sweet and innocent little girl is continually mistreated at the hands of a terrible father, only to have her reindeer friend run off a cliff. The descent into insanity is complete at the end when she starts hearing and seeing things.

Is anyone with me?


"La Ășnica iglesia que ilumina es la que arde."


i agree its depressing and extremely realistic which i can appreciate in a normal movie but when it comes to christmas i prefer things to be a bit more light hearted. what's odd is i remember loving this film as a child but i watched it for the first time in about 20 yrs recently and i could barely get through it. it just gave me a horribly down feeling

i guess u dont notice all the subtleties and stuff as a child but now that the weathers of life have ruined my spirit... i just cant be bothered to put up with anything that makes me feel like s*** lol i have better things to do with my time than watch a girl be perpetually abused by everyone for 2 hours. so this is off my list of old xmas favs.


Trolling, eh?


This is a simple Christmas story, not some artsy film where up is down and everything you see is a metaphor with a "deep" meaning behind it.

First of all, the Father wasn't abusive at all. He was someone who went though a lot of bad things and for this reason wasn't able to see the beautiful things around him and he didn't have the ability to express himself with words, I assume his wife was the one who handled that part and he had to work. He was stressed about their financial situation and thought he was a failure because he couldn't provide for his family the things they needed.

Secondly, the deer was Santa's, there's no debate about that. It appeared in the middle of the road knowing where it could find Jessie and ask her for help after their first encounter. Then it just disappeared with a bullet in it's leg without making a noise in seconds. No average reindeer would be able to do that without magical powers. Also at the end from the hoof prints you can tell that it didn't fall down from the cliff, because the prints were clean and not messy like when somebody slips before falling down.
