Favorite scene

I think my favorite scene in "Prancer" is when Carol tells Jessica that she doesn't believe in Santa Claus and Jessica brings the arguement around to believing in God and heaven. It is a beautifully directed scene showing two children (friends) having an intelligent conversation, which is so refreshing to see on film.
I'd be interested to know what your favorite scenes are.


I like when the little kid hands the old scary lady a candle in church. Tugs at my heart strings



It has to be the part where she yells "He can fly! He can fly!!" She had faith he could fly but when she sees him do it she is thrilled.

I also like the opening where she is singing loudly. I was like that as a kid too. I loved singing and acting. I was always the loudest and made sure everyone saw me & heard me.

***'No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world- Robin Williams' ***
