Least Fave Characters?

Mine was the drunk guy that Damon played, felt sick every time I saw it. And the one where Damon's in prison, using intellectual words! (Nothing against Damon, those two characters just spring to mind!)



First of all Anton and Oswald Bates are amazing characters. The most annoying one is that black and white lady Velma that's the worst sketch ever i dont get it at all.


Anton Jackson was hilarious


The first four years of the show, I dont think there was a bad character on the whole thing.


I agree with the Velma character. I didn't get the point of those sketches either other than giving Kelly Coffield a lead part. The other ones I couldn't stand were Snookie and Cousin Elsie. Two very useless characters.

Charlie Murphy!! *punch*
- Dave Chappelle as Rick James


snuff & rome were annoying to me. (shawn&marlon)
frenchy,never made me laugh.


Cousin Elsie was so disturbing she made me feel disgusted and twisted up my face. A woman trying to feel up on and hunch on her family is just gross.

I see you have learned to work the Google on the internet machine.- Blades of Glory


Oh Yes, that cousin Elsie . I used to chnage the channel when Kim's Elsie character came on. Too nasty to look at too.


Most of the characters I disliked involved Jim Carrey. Background Guy wasn't funny at all to me. His depiction of the televangelist (with Damon Wayans) was pathetic. I also couid't stand the gay environmentalist dude. However I did like Carrey's Fire Marshall Bill. Now that character was hilarious.

I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's how I am. - Homer Simpson


I love Environmentalist Dude. I watch that clip at least once a month. Hilarious! I howl when I watch the televangelist skits. Comedy gold! Hallelujah!


I don't think Anton (?) is funny either. He's disgusting. Not my kind of humor.

I LOVE Oswald Bates. In fact, he's one of my faves. You've just to liquidate your assets and revolutionize your perception, excuse me, your potassium of the skit, my brotha.

Handi-Mann wasn't funny, at all. Extremely juvenile.

The Head Detective

Lil' Magic. DAG as her mom cracked me up.


Anton and Oswald Bates were hillarious. Handiman had his momennts. Jim Carrey as the White Television Evangalist was great. I'll admit the Head Detective was never funny. Somebody said Frenchy was one of their least favorite characters, I don't agree. Frenchy imo was one of the most underrated character's on the show. "I'm hip I'm slick and all the girls love my typin skills" HAHAHA! And in the skit with Frenchy at the party, "We need to get this party started, I use to play tambourine with Seefus and Reeses, I know how to get the party started" LMAO.

Anyway my least favorite character's were
The Head Detective
Velma Muholland
Jim Carrey as Larry "The Guy who was in Freakin Vietnam", one of the only Jim Carrey character's I hated.


Those "Hey Mon" skits were terrible. You have 57 jobs, I get it.


I didn't care for any of Kim Wayans' characters. She just wasn't funny to me.
She's an attractive lady, just unfunny.


I agree with that.
Kim was not funny at all. She was just obnoxious.
Nepotism was very apparent on casting in the show.


You got that right about the nepotism.
Shawn cant act.
Damon had corny ass characters to play-Oswald amoungst others.
Kim.She was not funny at all to me.
Marlon was okay.


The only good Kim Wayans charcter was Miss Benita.


You guys are insane. Kim Wayans was probably THE funniest person on the show! She also steals every scene she's in in her movie roles. Watch her hilarious cameos in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, Don't Be A Menace & Dance Flick.


Kim Wayans is VERY funny, and Benita Butrell is a priceless character. Shawn and Marlon weren't funny at all, hell, Shawn still isn't very funny.


I guess I'm the only one who hated Fire Marshall Bill. I loved most of Carrey's early characters, but not that one.


I agree, Fire Marshall Bill seemed to take over the show towards the last and why I stopped watching. The character was a real turn off for me.


i disliked fire marshall bill. i didn't like carrey at all on that show. it was a very quick turn around with ace ventura though.

Thread ender.


I would have to say Frenchie because i don't think that Keanan can carry an entire sketch that focuses solely on him. He's not as natural of an actor as Damon. He's still an amazing writer though.
