Least Fave Characters?

Mine was the drunk guy that Damon played, felt sick every time I saw it. And the one where Damon's in prison, using intellectual words! (Nothing against Damon, those two characters just spring to mind!)



The talent agents (who say "home skillet" all the time)...

The two singers (male, female)... someone and Reese?


They all spring to mind.

The wino Damon Wayans played was gross, but usually funny (IMHO)... Damon's intellectual-wannabe was great as well..


I think his name was Reeves and Reese....something like that.

Anyways, my least fave was the one Kim Wayans played as the nosy neighbor.

I didn't to much care for the one David Allen Grier played where he was the blues singer. I remember my dad love that skit my dad like blues.


Cephus & Reesie. Yeah, they're terrible and just painful to listen to.

The "talent agents" are Funky Finger Productions. Clavell (DAG) and Howard Tibbs III (Tommy Davidson), two idiots with delusions of their importance or quality of work.

But any sketch show is bound to have misses among the hits.

I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule.


Yeah, not to big on the talent agents, though there are a few skits they're in that are alright. I don't think they're terrible or anything, and seeing the increasingly ridiculous ways that Tommy's character pulls put the "BAM!" is always funny, but if I had to choose my least favorite recurring characters, it would probably be those two.

I love all of Damon's characters though.


Wanda, vera, the drunk guy damon played and some others.


The only characters I truly didn't like were Duke and Cornbread. The dog just looked too real. I am still not convinced it wasn't a real taxidermy dog skin. It just grossed me out too much to enjoy it.

I wasn't big on Cheap Pete, Al MacAfee, or the two Funky Finger Productions guys, but the Duke sketches were the only ones I just couldn't watch.


oddly, i love both of those characters. those are the two that i wish i could emulate ...i'm sorry, emasculate better.

Thread ender.


Kim Wayans' Benita sketches were funny until they started putting in the actual people she was talking about in them.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Fire Marshal Bill wasn't funny.


I thought most of them where funny execpt

Homeboys Shopping network
The gay guy Jim Carrey played
Candy Cane


I found the whole series on YouTube (via MaeTV) and I'm working my way through them now.

The conjoined twins Les & Wes (Keenen & Damon) were so stupid. There was one where one became more famous than the other and made the less famous one his chauffeur, then another where one worked in a diner and the other robbed people because he was poor and hungry. The less famous twin was always treated like a separate person, with people asking him to leave because he wasn't authorized to be there. So stupid.

I especially can't stand the sketches with the two elementary school students Edna Louise and Parnell (Kelly Coffield and Jim Carrey) I think. Edna has a crush on Parnell and always gets in trouble entertaining herself and him. It's like they told Kelly to "be as shrill as humanly possible" and her voice just goes right through me.
Any sketch where Kelly screeches and screams is definitely not my favorite and I'm usually grimacing my way through it.

Speaking of ear-piercing screeches, I can't stand Cephus & Reesie. Listening to Kim Wayans screech five-choruses-too-long renditions of popular songs just hurts my ears. It actually makes me wince with pain.

Not a fan of:
Lil Magic - again, Kim's screeching
Rhythmless Nation - Kim's screeching parody of Whitney Houston that made fun of her dancing
The "Hey Mon" family, the Hadleys, people with 10, 20, 50 jobs. Never funny.
Head Detective was never funny
Handi-Man/Clark Bent was just poorly executed, and Dr. Naughty was stupid.
I forgot about Cousin Elsie 'til I got to her intro episode. A woman so desperate to be touched but so gross no one wants to touch her, resorting to molesting family members. Not funny, just pathetic and gross. It was actually worse, I think, when they realized she may not actually be related to anyone.

I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule.
