No.3 - 3 Men and a lady

by readin the subject i bet you got a rough idea wha this be about. well if you dont, the little lady is now a woman in her late teens 19? 20? and we see her gettin into trouble and the oys hel her out.

(simply the best)



I agree, a third film should be made.


I agree with the third film idea... and im writing one... check out to read it! And tell me if its any good




I've been thinking on this. They could bring the whole thing full circle with 3 men and a Bride (or whatever you want to call it) then about a year or so later they could make 3 Men and a Grandbaby. How great would that be? Going through Mary carrying a child and the 3 guys babying her through the whole pregnancy!

The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer


Thats a great idea I loved the first two movies Steve Guttenburgh has a myspace account someone should mention it to him!



it would never work. 90% of the charm of this movie is because of the cute little girl. the comedy wouldnt be the same and it wouldnt flow the same as the others.


it could work if the same girl played her. She is almost 23 years old now,


I think a sequel is a great idea , the girl now a twentysomething , is in college struggling with the usual boys , homework , maybe she is a bit of a rebel and the men guide her to be a success , also like the father(s) of the bride idea.Maybe Selleck and Travis are having problems with their marriage
, with say a younger woman seducing him , Ted Danson's character is his usual
vain self , maybe up for a big part cos his character is a actor and he has to
be all nice to this older woman whos decision it is to give him the part or not , a contrast to his character cos he is always chasing younger women or maybe its not an older woman but a guy and he has to pretend to be gay , it would leave one with hillarious consequences.And last but not least Steve who maybe realises that their "daughter's" true passion lies with art like his profesion and guides her much to the chagrin of Selleck and Travis's character
who probably expect her to be a business major or she assumes.It could be titled "Three men and a Twentysomething"


I think they should do a number 3 with Mary as a 20 year old, or slightly older in College. I think Anne Hathaway would be the perfect choice.

'Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!'
-Jack Torrance, The Shining


totally agree with this idea, I saw the original on tv today and remembered how much charm it had. 3 Men and a Bride would definitely be the way to go. It would be a low risk film (because none of the main actors have huge careers right now), and it has a built in market. get one of Hollywoods young a-list actresses to come in and play Mary and it would be a certified hit.


Anne Hathaway? Well, I guess the premise does work better as a porn. I can't imagine any way a serious attempt at a third film could be more than a poorly made explotation of the franchise.


"three men and a teenage girl?" Think that movies already been made.


Mary would be aprox. 24 So she would be out of college , possible in relationships or getting married. If they had a movie concept like "Guess who?" , "father of the bride" or "father of the bride 2" or a mixture of 2 of them then that would be a GREAT movie. A little girl is just as good as a hot girl!


Thought you might like to know that there will be third film coming out in 2010.

Steve Guttenberg was on This Morning the other day (promoting his panto) and he mentioned the film. Mary is going to be about 21/22 and the film is in the run up to her wedding.

