MovieChat Forums > Another 48 Hrs. (1990) Discussion > maybe we can get a walter hill cut

maybe we can get a walter hill cut

now that director's cuts are a little popular. i heard the original cut is 140 minutes long.


The upcoming blu-ray release would have been the best opportunity to finally see the original 145 cut of the film.


If enough fans demand for the release it could happen. Right now, fans are demanding for extended cuts of comic book movies like Batman Forever.


that's the problem, i wish more fans were as rabid for buddy cop/super cop type films as they are for super hero films.


Yeah. A real bummer.


Especially since the super hero genera has been done to death. A bad guy wants to take over the world, and a superhero stops him- the end. Almost 15 years of non-stop stupidhero films with no deviation from that formula!




I thin finally the cracks are showing , fatigue is settling in , capeshit popularity waning .
.fingers crossed
