MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > Anyone like this movie more than Top Gun...

Anyone like this movie more than Top Gun??

Talking about Nostalgia here,
but this movie proved to me what Tony Scott has, I really like this Days of Thunder. I thought it had an edge over his other movie Top Gun, it just felt cool, i dunno maybe cuz of its rated PG 13, or just that cool chemistry with Cruise, Duval and Kidman. I think the Zimmers score was amazing.Top Gun felt too military, but it was alright.


Same scritpt different setting


I have to agree. Guy drives/flies car/plain and gets chick.




I do.

The Desert Rat Strikes Again
"You Non-Conformists are all alike"


yeah I thought Top Gun was kinda wak (4/10) but Days of Thunder drilled it (6/10) just more entertaining (even though I got Drunk halfway through it) it just seemed better... Nicole Kidman & Tom Cruise rocked in this s hit you could see the love.


"Top Gun felt too military, but it was alright"

Err correct me if I'm wrong but the movie was about Navy Fighter Pilots right? How does a movie about Naval Air Combat Pilots come off too Military like? I'm not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything I'm just confused by this statement bboyatomik.


Top Gun is my favourite movie ever, but Days of Thunder was really good.


I thought Robert Duvall added something to Days of Thunder that was really missing from Top Gun. I enjoyed Days of Thunder a lot more. Better one liners, more of a point to the story. Who was the enemy in Top Gun??? People we never see or are told about?




My opinion is that I love both of them, Top Gun and Days of Thunder. Like it was said either, same plot, different setting, but why change when you have a winner? Both movies, definetly on my top 10 list.




I think, in a lot of ways, that DOT is TC's best movie. strip away all his intentions to please as many people as possible or make a huge high concept blockbuster and you get DOT. if you want to see TC acting as purely himself as possible, just watch DOT again. as a moive, it's very interesting for the sake of assessing the limits of star power with NO story, development, or a shred of plot points that ANYONE could care about. I mean, there is NOTHING in this movie that matters others than seeing what TC brings to a viewing experience, which is fairly impressive. to think that all one can find at every corner is TC, is a testament to how much he brings to any movie. it's a control, in scientific experiment terms, if you will.


ye i think its better then Top Gun , but then i think Navy Seals was better too



I saw Top Gun a few times in late summer, 1989, right when this movie began filming, and I liked it (favorite movie of 1986, in top 100 for me). I've never seen this movie, but I do remember when it was out in summer, 1990, and everyone was saying basically that it was Top Gun on the ground. I knew that was true, and could tell the differences without even seeing it, from Tom Cruise on down. I don't think I will ever see it, as I'm just not a fan at all of NASCAR racing, which being from South Carolina and now living in Charlotte is probably hard to believe, but is true. But I remember it was being filmed in Charlotte, NC in December, 1989, and one night Tom Cruise came to the old Charlotte Colosium for the Charlotte Hornets' home game against the Boston Celtics (the local news showed hin there). That was the Hornets second season in the NBA, and also Larry Bird's first time in Charlotte with the Celtics (he'd missed the entire 1988-89 season due to injury). This team led the NBA in attendance its first seven seasons in the league, but then had low attendance, and decreased fan interest, causing them to move to New Orleans in 2002. They then got another NBA team in 2004-05, Bobcats, which have also had low attendance, but NASCAR racing is as strong as ever around here, and especially the Lowe's 500 in May at the Concord track, which got its typical overflow weekend crowd and immense local coverage again this month. And the upcoming NASCAR related movie Cars will have a special premiere at this raceway in early June, which is getting as much attention around here as the Oscars do in Hollywood. But this proves that any sport or team that comes here will always be in the shawdow of NASCAR auto racing (the Carolina Panthers also realized that in the mid 1990s). And the new NASCAR Hall of Fame was recently awarded to Charlotte, by the way (which I was in fact glad of, though I hope I'm in the much better suited for me Miami by the time it opens-though they did deserve it here).

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park




i live in charlotte & not a nascar fan too. the movie i like but it's no top gun.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Days of Thunder may as well be titled Maverick quits the Navy after serving his six year stint and decides to drive stock cars. Same lame background music by Hans Zimmer same plot only instead of the plot being set at Miramar it is set at various race tracks around the U.S.... Same plot different setting BORING!!!!!!!!!!


This movie is absolute dg $ hit - but its $1,000,000 solid gold $ hit!!! Perfect movie to watch when you've been out for a few beers, and wanna watch something that you can just enjoy - no thiking, just some fastcars, one liners and Nicole Kidmans rack!!! You gota love it!

PS I'd say it' more rocky with cars than top gun with cars.


you could've used more money

"Now, I'd be doing myself a dis-service, if I didn't play the hell outta this thing!" Will Ferrell
