MovieChat Forums > Home Alone (1990) Discussion > Why not just rent a car?

Why not just rent a car?

Instead of traveling with the polka band, why did Kate not immediately get a rental car and drive home?


Or why not immediately when she arrived in Dallas? I suppose there's a chance they'd be sold out during a busy travel time, but still.


Watching it now and thought the same thing. When that scene was on.


She wanted a little Polka gangbang along the ride.


I believe the proper term for that is a Polkapoke.


Because Del Griffith and Neal Page took the last car... 


Driving is not recommended when you are tired. She says shew as up for 60 hours, but couldn't she sleep on the long flight to the US?


She ewas probably too worried to sleep on teh flight from France. She might have slept some but not enough too drive back to Chicago.


That's what I thought. But still, her body must have demanded some rest and she had to sleep a bit. I just don't believe she could truly have been awake for all those 60 hours.


Meganium, Kate does not say that she's been awake for almost sixty hours, she says that she's been away for that long.


I watched with closed captioning on. She says she has been awake for sixty hours.

Go ahead. Wait, I'm sorry. Excuse me. You've got places to go, people to see. You've got a ticket there. That's good. Excuse me. Look, I have been awake for almost 60 hours. I'm tired and I'm dirty. I have been from Chicago to Paris, to Dallas, to... Where the hell am I?


Thank you, sarahleigh81. After looking at the subtitles, which I have guessed to have a mistake as those on discs often do, and reading the script, I see that the correct word is 'awake' after all. Catherine O'Hara barely pronounces the 'k' in 'awake'. I struggle to hear the syllable even with this information.


I am glad to help. :)


In Kate’s mind being worried about having not slept was not a priority for her. Getting home to her kid takes priority over everything. She should have gotten a rental car, she would have made it back earlier than if she had gone to Scranton.


Because getting a plane home would've been much faster. When the opportunity to get a lift was offered, she had not yet considered an alternate form of transport.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


Maybe she can't drive.


Because she did not have her driver's license with her.


Why would she not have her drivers licence? There is no reason for her not to have her purse, in her purse she has her money and with money she can buy tickets to get home.


Enough reasons based on my own experience as a woman who carries a purse with a wallet, ID, keys, etc. and isn't as forgetful as Kate.


Got it so you are just making this up. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.


You "suspected" I was just speculating? Lol, congratulations!🤣


Your concession remains noted. Since you don’t seem to have anything further to add to this discussion I don’t think it really serves any additional purpose.


You need to look up the meaning of "concession".


Again this conversation doesn’t any further purpose seeing how you have already conceded.


Lol, you're so predictable. Every time things don't go your way, you claim the other has conceded. Nope, I never conceded, nothing to concede to either.

If there's no further purpose to this conversation, you're free to quit responding.


As things stand right now I am right and you are not, if you want to change that then you need to step up your game sweetheart.


Lolol, you are not right just because you say so! It's always hilarious to see you so desperate!😆

Nope, I never conceded to anything, which makes you wrong. It can happen, no need to feel so down about it!


I’m right because the facts are on my side and you have yet to debunk them, sorry but logic is a bitch darling.


The facts are that you make stuff up. I don't have to debunk anything, because the burden of proof that I conceded is on you.


You said she didn’t have her licence, so now you have to demonstrate to me the contents of her purse, good luck sweetie.


No, like everybody else I speculated, because no explanation is given in the movie. Which you knew, because instead of asking for proof, you yourself started speculating about what she had in her purse. Oops!

But go ahead and demand proof of everybody else who did the same.


You said “she didn’t have her licence”, but now it seems that after I debunked your assertions you are now conceding that you were wrong or unjustified in your case. I accept your concession.


You're delusional. Nobody in the history of the world has ever conceded to you!


You did for starters.


Nope. You've got no arguments, so you make up stuff again. Like you always do. So sad.


Not really, all I did was ask you to back up what you claimed, which you haven’t.


No, you responded with speculating about what Kate had in her bag or not.


Regardless it doesn’t matter, you said “she didn’t have her licence” so the contents of her bag is all you, baby.


I didn't see any license, so there was no license. You've been dismissed.🙂


Not seeing the licence doesn’t mean that she didn’t have the licence.


It also doesn't mean she did have it, so I can speculate about her leaving it at home as much as I want! Tada! You've been dismissed.🙂


Again you just admitted that I was right the whole time and that you have no basis for saying she didn’t have the licence.


Thank you for conceding that you knew from your very first response that I was merely speculating and did not make an assertion that needs to be backed up with proof. Goodbye!🙃


And now you’re strawmanning which is yet another logical fallacy that you are guilty of.

Also you said: “she didn’t have her licence” that means you would have to know what was and what wasn’t in her purse.


Possibly. She was clearly the forgetful type after all.


Not that I think it really needs an explanation, but it's as good as any. If she leaves her son and his plane ticket behind, why not her driver's license? To say she wouldn't because she had her purse, is just silly!


What are you basing this off of? Please show me the direct quote from the film that you are using as corroborating evidence. Thank you.


Not once did I suggest there was a quote or other evidence. Everyone here is simply speculating.


Thank you for being honest with yourself and admitting that you have no basis for your assertions. I accept your concession.


Lol, I can't concede to anything I never even denied in the first place!

You knew fully well I was just speculating, otherwise you would've asked for a quote in your first reply to me. Instead you just started speculating yourself about what Kate did or did not have in her purse! Oops!


What I would or would not have done is irrelevant to this discussion. And anyone who thinks that she didn’t have her licence has the burden of proof to prove she didn’t. In this scene you can clearly see that she has her purse and common logic would suggest her licence is in it.

EDIT: She probably would have needed her licence to make it through security.


It does matter when you suddenly act like you didn't know I was merely speculating.

Nope, the burden is on you to prove that she has something in her purse that's not shown in the movie.

"She probably would have needed her licence to make it through security."

Lol, what about people who don't have a license??? Their passports (mentioned in the movie) would be enough .


It’s a logical assumption to conclude that she would have her licence on her as that is what just about every person on Earth does, have their ID on them all the time. Also if you do not have an ID when going through security you have to go through multiple steps so they can verify your identity, seeing how late the family was there is a zero percent chance that happened.

Also watch this scene, Kate clearly has her wallet:


Again, she has a passport to verify her identification, just like the rest of her family.

When people have multiple purses, and most women do, they constantly forget stuff. I would also never bring a driver's license with me on a holiday unless I planned to drive a car. I always use money, so I always bring a wallet with me. Not the same.


Any rational person would have their licence on them, you don’t leave that lying around. You have to prove that there is even the slightest possibility she didn’t have her licence because you threw that out there as a logical reason why she didn’t rent a car and since you haven’t then the default position is that she did have her licence. Also I showed you that she had her wallet, that’s where people keep their licences, honey.


You have no proof whatsoever where Kate kept her license, in a wallet, in that wallet or wherever else. Some people, like my mother, even have two wallets. Since Kate was shown to be a forgetful person to the point of leaving her own child behind, it's very reasonable to speculate she would've have left it lying around somewhere.

I actually know quite a few people who keep their license in their car with other important car papers out of fear of forgetting them.🙂


I don’t have to prove anything, what I have done is cast more than enough reasonable doubt on your assertion that she “didn’t have her licence”, therefore it’s logical to not accept your premise. Most people keep their licences in their wallets, there is literally no reason to take it out, I don’t know many people who keep their children in their wallets in fact we know from the movie that she didn’t keep Kevin in her wallet so therefore your premise is once again debunked.


The wallet you keep hammering about doesn't even look like a regular wallet, but rather like a travel wallet where you keep cash, travel cheques, insurance cards and other important travel documents. It's HUUGE. My family used to have one as well.

My premise has definitely not been debunked by what YOU consider logical for other people to keep in their wallet or put in their purse on vacation. You'd have to do a large scale survey first. Better luck next time!


I don’t even have to prove that it was in her wallet, by mentioning the wallet I was just going beyond what my burden of proof was to show you that you are not justified in saying “she didn’t have her licence”. Look darling, you’ve already conceded that I’m right and that you have no basis for what you’re saying so I’m very confused as to why you keep responding, do you just love my attention that much?


Having a (travel) wallet in her purse proves absolutely nothing since we do not even know where she keeps her license!

You responded to my reply to someone else, you're the one who's obsessed! It's very telling that you are never the one to quit responding in ANY of the discussions we've had here on MovieChat...


I do not need to prove anything because it wasn’t my assertion that she “didn’t have her licence”, that was all you, honey.

I can respond to whomever I want to as can you but my point was the conversation seems to have resolved itself yet you continue to come back to me which is quite odd.


Nope, I speculated. Which was clear to you as well, since you didn't respond asking for evidence but with speculating yourself.

No, the point is that when you're stuck and have got no way out, you always claim to have won the discussion but NEVER EVER move on. And everybody here knows why.


Again when I asked for evidence is irrelevant and a logical fallacy. You made the claim you have to back it up.

Your second paragraph is either A) A lie or B) A delusion of reality that you are suffering from


It does matter that you knew from the start that I was merely speculating, because your sudden demand for proof and your accusation of me conceding can be dismissed. Which I will do from this moment on.

C) Fact


You have no idea what my thought process or my intentions are so there you go “speculating” again, look you’ve already admitted I was right and you were wrong, is there anything else I can help you with?


Dear god, I'm staying far away from your mind! Your actions are more than enough proof and they also prove that I'm right, which I thank them for.🙂

Now if you really want to prove me wrong, show met that you CAN quit a discussion!😂


Oh they prove you’re right, so please demonstrate to me that she “didn’t have her licence”, a simple line of dialogue from the movie will be sufficient for me. Thank you.


Sorry, you lost your right to ask for evidence when your first response was to speculate about the contents of Kate's bag, acknowledging that I was merely speculating as well!

But I'm glad you conceded that I'm right about you being so obsessed you can't quit a discussion. Bye bye!😂


My first response is irrelevant, I could have asked if Kate had ever been to Mars and that wouldn’t change the fact that you have no basis for saying the licence wasn’t in her bag (which you did)


It shows you knew I was merely speculating, so you've been dismissed. Goodbye!😆


And by admitting you were “speculating” you are admitting that I was right the whole time. Sleep well darling!!!!
