MovieChat Forums > Home Alone (1990) Discussion > Did the scene where Marv steps on a nail...

Did the scene where Marv steps on a nail make anyone wince?

I did, as a kid I had a hard time watching that scene.


To me, this is the most brutal of all of them, from both movies.

The fact that there is no sound effect adds to the harshness.

All of the other traps, no matter how brutal, are cartoony (but in a fun way) with how they are executed or how they're reacted to.

The nail feels the most real.


Every single time I see it.


Originally posted by csweetleaf2:

I did, as a kid I had a hard time watching that scene.

Funny you mention that.
I remember growing up and one of my friend's dad's was built like an Arnold Schwarzenegger type of guy and he would wince and clench his teeth and yell "NO NO NO!!!!" at the TV whenever Marv stepped on the nail going down the basement stairs.
This movie is enough to make grown men cower in terror.


Yes! It looked so real and that had to hurt!

FYI, last year at the beach, I stepped on an old dead snout of a fish that someone had buried in the sand (at least that's what I think it was...I couldn't really tell 100% for sure, but the point was really sharp!). Man, did that hurt...and yes, I thought of Daniel Stern in this scene when it happened!


Wince? Nyet.

But my nuts shrink by 50% or more when I watch it...


not as much as any scene with tarantula spider.

a tarantula crawling around house? disgusting! in showers. under beds. on crapper.

can you sleep comfortable with giant spider on loose in house?
