MovieChat Forums > Mermaids (1990) Discussion > Couldn't believe that mother.....*some s...

Couldn't believe that mother.....*some spoilers*


....getting all high and mighty with Charlotte about being off with Joe. Yes, she was supposed to be watching her sister and it was a horrible thing to do of neglecting her. But if that mother had been home watching her OWN kid and not whoring around with her boyfriend, it never would have happened!
Its not a teenager's job to watch their siblings, its the parents job!
The teen can watch them occasionally, but its the teen's job to be a TEEN, not a parent or convenient babysitter.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


this was in the good old days when parents were still allowed to have a life and it wasn't swuch a big thing for a 15 year old to babysit


15? I remember babysitting at 12!

Parents these days hover too much.

this was in the good old days when parents were still allowed to have a life and it wasn't swuch a big thing for a 15 year old to babysit


Parents can 'have a life', but Mrs. Flax was a lousy mother ALL THE TIME!
It was all about her. She just wanted to get laid, look pretty, let the kids raise themselves.
She literally leaps on a man she JUST MET and has sex with him...sans condom..gets pregnant. Real role model for Charlotte, and real classy!

For God's sake, the woman tried to raise them on MARSHMALLOWS and maraschino cherries! Then got mad when her boyfriend & Charlotte tried to be a real family!
She was despicable.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I have to say that Cher's character is not the greatest mother but I can't blame her for being furious in the moment. Charlotte always tried to act like she was super mature but then would do something which showed just how young, naive and immature she could be. Her neglect of Kate nearly caused her to drown. Any parent that cares about their children would get mad in that situation. I also don't really think it's hypocritical for her to get mad about. If you entrust someone to watch your child you expect them to. I also think she could have been a bit disappointed in Charlotte. She wasn't perfect but overall was a pretty good kid. I don't think her mother expected anything like what happened to happen. Plus Charlotte often chastised her mom about being with so many different men yet was suddenly following in her footsteps. I think ultimately her mom doesn't want her daughter to repeat her mistakes. And again Kate nearly died so of course she is pissed.



I thought it was worse when she slapped Charlotte for finally getting the courage to tell her off and then never even apologized about it later.

She also never apologized about kissing Joe when she knew Charlotte liked him.


I suppose given the films setting, you could say that the 1960s were a simpler time. It would be wrong to leave your 10 year old child home now, but back then, it was probably considered harmless, especially in a tiny Massachusetts town. Although, today, you still hear about kids being looked after by their older siblings, so I suppose it WAS Charlotte's responsibility to look after her little sister while their mother was out, particularly considering Charlotte was way old enough to know better. At 18 years old, she's at a prime babysitting age... however in her defence, she was drinking, so perhaps poor judgement because of alcohol intoxication came into play. It all leads back to the poor examples set by their mother.


Charlotte wasn't 18 here. She was only 15.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
