MovieChat Forums > Night of the Living Dead (1990) Discussion > Which ending do you prefer with Ben? Sp...

Which ending do you prefer with Ben? Spoiler

Seeing him turn into a zombie was frightening and sad in this one.

But seeing him get offed while being the only sole survivor gets to me every time. That ending just sticks to me.

Great ending for both. But I prefer the original.


I'm with you on this one. If you are going to re-make a classic, and put your own spin on some of the elements that have made it a classic, thats fine and good. Case in point: the first guy to "attack" in the graveyard wasn't a zombie. Wow, what will they think of next!

BUT the ending, the absolute irony of the original ending, was one of it's strongest points... I would not have swapped that one out for an equally as doomed ending for the main character, but with out any of the weight emotionally as the first try at this story.



It's hard for me to choose. Both were great. The remake's ending where he finds the key to the gas pump and just starts laughing. Strong stuff right there.


I actually think the ending for Ben in the original sucked worse for him.





To be fair to the re-make, changing the ending was what they had to do. They had to make a last surprise. I dont mind it. They had to offer something different. But the original is so shocking.


Both were pretty messed up because the character of Ben was so awesome. I hated to see him as a zombie. But the original seeing as Ben as the last survivor and getting offed when they didn't know he was human always gets me. Both are great but the original stays with you.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I know it was messed up that Ben (1990) turned into a zombie, but I still wish that Ben (1968) would of yelled to let the hillbillies outside know he was still a human.

I'm still confused on how Ben (1990) turned into a zombie. He shot Helen in the head who was the only person down in the basement. Was he was quickly bitten, while the zombie were pouring into the house.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I think he just died from his wounds then turned zombie. If you notice in the beginning, freshly dead people were coming out of their graves, i presume, ( guy with the wrap around suit and autopsy scars), so there was something in the air turning the dead to zombies, as well as being bitten.

Urknowldgof scientific biological transmogrification isonly outmatched byurzest4 kungfu treachery


I was going to put that same thing, maybe it was his open wound from being shot, but then I remember Cooper was shot by Ben and then he went up to the attaic, but by daytime, he was still human, but looked like *beep*

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


Yeah, but Cooper didn't die from his wounds. So he didnt go Zombie. Ben did, and got zombiefied.

Urknowldgof scientific biological transmogrification isonly outmatched byurzest4 kungfu treachery


Yes I know, but Ben did shoot him, so if it was something in the air he would have probably turned also.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


hmmmm what part aren't you understanding. You don't turn because you got shot, or because you have an open wound. You turn when you get bit by a zombie or you die from something else besides a head shot.
Cooper, shot, didnt die. Therefore, there was NO dead body for the thing in the air to effect.
Ben, shot, died. His dead body was reanimated by whatever was turning everything else.
The evidence is in the beginning. Those people walking around in suits were dead before anything happened. They didnt get killed by other zombies, they were just dead, and probably just got buried that day. And they rose up. However, people who aren't dead, (or bit) dont turn.

Urknowldgof scientific biological transmogrification isonly outmatched byurzest4 kungfu treachery



In the spirit of clarification, I would like to point out that the only reason a bite from a ghoul killed you was due to the bacteria in their mouth. You died of infection caused by that bacteria, not because it was a ghoul that bit you.

Human mouths are filled with bacteria. If someone were to bite you and break the skin, you'll likely have a nasty infection that could require IV antibiotic. Now, imagine a mouth that's dead biting you. Yeah, you're pretty much a gonner.

And, as has already been said, Ben died because he bled to death from his gunshot wounds. He reanimated because of whatever was causing the situation in the first place. I doubt it being an infection because dead bodies don't breathe, thus no point of entry and circulation into the system.



My wife is always yelling..."how did Ben become a zombie if he didn't get bit?"
I try telling her you don't have to be bit to become a zombie, it's just what is happeneing by the reports and such. It is created by an unknown force that enables the brain to continue to function. She doesn't believe me....


To be honest I thought they were keeping the original ending. But then when they were chainsawing the door I wuz like "wat, why doesn't he call out." Then he was a zombiefied zombie. And I was like "Oh no!" but then I thought "This is a story."

All in all, great film though.


For me, it was when he was shot in the original movie. That ending was just so iconic, and it really stays with you. It's just so horrifying because he manages to live through it all and then BOOM. You're just so horrified. It has a much bigger impact.


Both are good but I have to go with the original. It looks like Ben is free and is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so it really hurts when you find out he hasn't and it sticks with you. But having him turn into a zombie was a perfect twist for this remake.


I liked both endings. The original because it was just so shocking and cruel, but I also liked the remake's ending. In it, it had an emotional moment when it looked like zombie Ben almost recognizes Barbara. I thought that was a powerful moment.


For years before I saw this movie again on video, I'd recalled Ben actually SAYING "Barbara" before they blasted him.

But he just moves his lips

It's kind of a clever play on the original - we don't expect to see Ben go zombie, and even when he does turn, we (or at least I) keep thinking (or just hoping) there's something of him left


Both good, but the original is more impacting. I respect the remake for mixing up the formula though. And I like how they finally show a character considering the attic as a viable hiding spot after how frustrated I get with the original and how no characters ever discusses the idea of seeking refuge on the second floor or attic!
