MovieChat Forums > The Addams Family (1991) Discussion > Tim Burton should do a remake!

Tim Burton should do a remake!

I am a huge Tim Burton fan and I think that Tim Burton should direct a remake of The Addams Family! I think he would be perfect! with his sense of style and humor in movies I think he would be a awesome choice! anyoneelse agree?


Um, no. Tim Burton should focus on original ideas instead of remakes and material that's all ready been overdone for the past ten years.


^ exactly


^this. A thousand times this.

To be honest, I'm tired of remakes in general.. if he *HAS* to do Addams Family, then he better make an original storyline separate from the current ones. Also, I love Johnny Depp but I cannot see him doing a proper Gomez. Not in a million years. He just wouldn't create the proper mix of creepy/suave.. I keep picturing captain Jack in a pinstripe suit. LOL. (I'm assuming here that Depp would be in the movie.. him and Burton seem to be joined at the hip)

Remakes just need to STOP. They're an underhanded method for studios to make money on peoples nostalgia + they don't have to work on an original concept. The only films I've ever liked from Burton were his earlier, original films. His remakes lately have been vile.


No he shouldn't



What are you talking about? Sweeny Todd, Corpse Bride, Sleepy Hollow, Batman Returns and Edward Scissor Hands. Those movies were made in the past 20 years ago and they are either good or great movies


Burton is too much involved with remakes. I already know exactly where he would take this and the emotionally outcome. Not great, he is great with his own material but he should stop remaking other films in his style.

"You know someone lacks intelligence when their only argument is Dont See It."


I agree his remakes werent that great but since the Adams Family humor fits his style of movies I thought he would be perfect for it. Like his horror humor in Beetle Juice & Sleepy Hollow if he could make a Addams Family remake with that kind of horror humor then I think it would be great


Honestly I used to like Tim Burton A LOT. But then movies like, Alice in Wonderland came out and I liked him less and less. Addams Family is one of my favorite movies and television series... I don't really want to see what Burton does to that. He is better of with his original works. He doesn't tend to do very well when he is making remakes.


Usually most of the time when people try to do a remake of a movie they cant make it work like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elms Street, Halloween 1 & 2 etc. Honestly I liked Alice in Wonderland :p and IMO I wouldnt count it as a remake since you know its her 2nd time going to Wonderland lol. I agree with you when Tim Burton makes his own movies they are really good hes only remake I thought sucked was Planet of the Apes ha ha ha Im not even sure how many remakes hes done


It is confirmed that Tim Burton is doing a remake but it will be stop notion animation,the script is at work at the moment...It's on the net check it out...


Thats awesome! yes! Im excited and since its going to be a stop animation film its going to be great :) Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were awesome I can't wait!


Have you read his page recntly? HE IS DOING AN ADDAMS FAMILY MOVIE!

I don't know whether to be excited or not. I'm not a Depp fanboy like most of you but he isn't bad most of the time. Recently he him and Burton have really been weak. Burton used to edgy and fun but now seeing he has had children his whole attitude has changed and I'm afraid for any project he comes near. He has turned into a corn ball and seems to making films for his children and not himself.

It's really sad. His earlier career was so amazing and now it seems he may never get that back. I honestly haven't enjoyed anything after Big Fish. It's just Depp being an idiot and Burton over using his style.

I'm afraid if he doesn't start taking his films seriously he will go the way of M. Night. And that would be a terrible fate for a once great filmmaker.


Yeah I heard he was doing a remake! Im excited because sure Burton has failed on some of his live action movies but his stop animation movies, Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were great! especially Nightmare which I think its a good move hes making the Addams Family remake in stop animation :D I don't think Depp would be a good voice for Gomez so he might pick someone else but yeah I hope he doesn't screw it up I loved the original movies and I don't want Burton to fail like Shamalama is doing right now


I'm a Tim Burton fan too... But I don't really want him to remake this.. especaily not with Johnny and Helena cast... I mean I love all three of them but just no.

We're not sheep!


I dont think Johnny or Helena are going to voice act the remake


That does sound appropriate, I can see the two of them as Gomez and Morticia, but I really hope Tim decides to go with different actors for this one. I thought Antonio Banderas would make a great Gomez, especially the way the character was played by Raoul Julia. Morticia is a tough one though, because I'm thinking of her pale skin and I think of Helena Bonam Carter. Okay, have Helena play Morticia, but don't have Johnny Depp play Gomez. If he needs to use Johnny Depp, have him play Thing, after all, I'm sure it's Depp's hands that Tim enjoys the most, if you know what I mean ;)


It's easy to achieve white skin on film with makeup, what Morticia needs is magnificent bone structure like Angelica & a sensuality about her.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


If this is true and TB is gonna do this then Great! *Hear's my cast wish list:

Gomez: Esai Morales or Antonio Banderes
Morticia: Catherine Zeta or "Pam" from True blood show
Wednesday: Dakota Fanning or her little sister Elle (with dyed hair of course)
Elle did an episode of Law & Order SVU and played a psycho foster
child so she'd be perfect.
Uncle Fester: ??

*This list is subject to change as I see fit. ;)

Wakko: I've got the franks!
Dot: And I've got the buns!
Yakko: Good-night everybody!!!


Yeah its true TB is doing a remake! :D but its not a live action film its going to be a stop animation film like Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride! which I think is a great idea since TB's stop animation movies are one of his best especially Nightmare Before Christmas. I can see Antonio Banderes voicing Gomez but in your cast you forgot Pugsley.
