MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Is this the worse tag line ever???

Is this the worse tag line ever???

We all know the film is poo but I think the tag line is even worse...

The tagline was "When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it. Just add Ice"

At first look it just sounds cheesy....but then again it doesn't even make sense!

To start with, how do you mealt stone...surly something should be cold to me melted...

secondly, since when has adding ice to anything melted it...surly you should add fire?

Anyone know any worse taglines?

Save the clock tower!


Four years later and this is still the best thread on any IMDb board ever.

It never fails to make me laugh to tears.





1. This thread is hilarious.

2. I think it is meant to be ironic. That's the (grain of salt, people) joke: that adding ice wouldn't normally melt anything.
