MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Has anyone seen any movies even worse th...

Has anyone seen any movies even worse than this?

So far, I haven't, and I've seen "From Justin to Kelly" and "Can't Stop the Music." In fact, I rented both movies hoping they would be just as consistently jaw-droppingly horrid as "Cool as Ice" was, and I came away disappointed.

So, has anyone seen this movie, and have you seen other movies that you thought were equally as bad or even worse than this?


Ever seen Titanic?


I have to say I've never seen a movie BETTER than Cool as Ice. <3 <3




You might want to watch a lovely film called Alien 51 [Heidi Fleiss' masterpiece] and another movie made with porn actors called "Creepies". To me they're similarly funny to this movie. ^_^


Yes. The LOTR trilogy.





TROLL 2, yup possibly the worst movie ever...



8 mile with that wack whiteboy feminem





i have 2 words for you.... THE STUFF


Mac and Me!


Leave Mac and me alone! At least it can be counted as 80's nostalgia!

Now i'm not gonna try and defend this movie but sometimes films are so bad that you just have to sit and back and enjoy them for what they are.

But i do agree with the poster that said who could have thought this was a good idea!

"Get off my sister!"


Do you mean "Don"t mess with my sister"? I rented that years ago because the cover (hand written) said it was the sequel to "I spit on your grave". Needless to say it was not. And for a bunch of guys drunk on Wild Turkey wanting to see a gore fest, quite a disapointment.

As far as Mac and Me, I agree it is so bad it's funny. Always a "go to" movie for a drunken laugh!


No, that's just my signature (it's from friends).

You poor thing theres too many poor films that get away with claiming to be the sequel to popular movies when in fact they have little (if anything) to do with them.

*Think of the jumanji sequel, can't remember what it was called but began with a Z and was released post 2000

Or they're so pathetically poor that they shouldn't be allowed to label themselves as sequels and tarnish the good work of the original

*Think the home alone sequels, cruel intentions prequel/sequel etc etc

I think its misleading and should be stopped *hurls fist in the air and shouts yeah enthusiastically*!

I enjoy mac and me and many other "bad" 80's movies. They allow me to revisit my childhood when twas a more simpler time, alas....

"Get off my sister!"


Hey I just watched "The Jerky Boys", and it wasn't really that bad.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but its nowhere near as bad as Cool as Ice.




TROLL 2 is the King of bad Movies!!!

"Belief is the Death of Intelligence" - Robert Anton Wilson


Troll 2 does suck, highly, but it at least has SOME entertainment value (mainly unintentionally, it must be said.) But for a film that it is impossible to derive any amusement or pleasure from whatsoever, you need look no further than Tom Green's execrable s**t- fest 'Freddie Got Fingered'. That 'film', for want of a better word, should be erased from the annals of human history.

Any chance of some evil garlic bread?

