The acting makes me sick...

I own this on DVD just so I have the complete series, and I enjoy watching all the others, even #5-but this one just makes me want to gag. I'm all for horror/comedies, in fact they're my favorite kind of horror movies, and sometimes, the cheesier the effects = the better, but when the acting is so bad like it is in this one, it just takes me right out of the fun.

Granted, it probably wasn't ALL the actor's faults, it was the terrible script as well. Also, I will admit that the acting in the rest of the NOES franchise was nowhere near award-winning...but Lisa Zane has to be the most inexpressive, blank-looking actress I've ever seen.


Breckin Meyer is always good.


"ya aint gettin non carlos ya aint gettin none." man that part always makes me crack up so hard.

"it takes a long time but gods die to"


You get sick easily. This film is bad but Englund is great.


i watched this recently and have to agree that lisa zane was horrible in it. not that the film was very good but she didnt make it any better!


Completely agree with the OP.
The acting is so absurd. The reactions are idiotic. This movie makes Jason X look like No Country for Old Men.


I disagree. I thought the script wasn't very good. It had nothing to do with the actors. Robert Englund is an amazing actor and Freddy in the was It was horrible. It had nothing to do with his or anyone else's acting. It was the script.


I don't think the script - no matter how awful - is the main reason the acting sucked...the main reason the acting sucked was because they were all bad actors - except Englund, I agree, he is always enjoyable as Freddy, but my beef was mostly with Lisa Zane...who was so bad it was painful for me to finish the movie.

A great actor - and by most accounts even just "good" actors as well - can make a so-so script work, if they know what they're doing....which the cast of this movie did not.


Fair enough a great actor can make a crappy script work. I agree. I disagree that Lisa Zane and the others were that bad. I thought they were at the very least decent, but to each their own. It was the script that really bothered me, to be honest.


yeah the acting is pretty awful, but is it really any worse than part 5, or 4! most of these films have bad actors and bad scripts, but i personally think freddys dead is the best since 3, but i know im in the minority on these things as im one of the few who thinks 2 is pretty good!


I don't mind 2, I like the story that eventually comes through at the end, but my favorites are 3, 4, & 5, just because their hoakey & fun! I was expecting the same from Freddy's Dead but it doesn't have the same feel or funness to it, I think it was trying to hard to be a serious movie, when 3-5 pretty much made fun of themselves throughout.


The acting isn't good at all. The story never comes through and they don't even act like they wanna explain it. I agree with you that they tried hard to be serious...and they failed miserably.

A Deadly Obsession - Summer 2010
Infamy - Summer 2011


besides part one, part 4 is considered the best cause it is


That final shot when Lisa Zane just says "Freddy's dead" and chuckles to her self like that's what it's all about (at which point it fades to black) is the most anti climactic "ending" to a series ever. What the hell was that director thinking if she was involved in all other Nightmare movies. Shame on her. She should have known better.



I've seen much worse acting than what was shown in this movie. If you want truly bad acting, then go watch Manos: The Hands of Fate, Troll 2, etc.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I am watching the movie right now on tv and i gotta agree that the acting isnt the best, worst of them all is zane, i dont see a character but and actress pretending to be a character. It just doesnt seem like she is 100% into the role, she is about to go into the dream, her life and the lives of all the kids in jeapordy and she is sitting blank faced, no fear, no worry just the blank stare. Then in the battle with freddy she goes from blank faced to over the top theatric angry. Now i am not going to lay it all on zane, Rachel Talalay has some responsibility. As a director your job is to get the performance either by intimidation, bribery, shmoozing your actors and actresses depending on what works best. This was Rachel Talalay first directing job and perhaps she either didnt demand enough or with linited time constraints and limited budget she was forced to sacrificing doing multiple takes to dial in the talent.

Reguardless Zane personally gave the most stale leading lady performance of the series.


Are you serious? I think acting is quite good in this one. Well what about heather langerkamp acting in first movie? You think that was good? She f... ruined the whole thing by her "great acting skills".
