MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > Best non-Die Hard franchise bruce willis...

Best non-Die Hard franchise bruce willis movie?

Absolutely! No other movie comes to mind (I do not consider Pulp Fiction in this category).

I saw this movie in theatres opening weekend 1991 when I was 12 and loved it.

It was one of the first DVDs I bought in 1999.

As for Hallenbeck, Bruce Willis' character makes the perfect scarred hero who is forced to use his strength and most importantly wits to regain the esteemed life he had taken unfairly away from him by the Senator.

The interlacing of a dirty professional football league and its dealings as a major source of antagonism is very savvy and believable even today. It also provides us with a large stakes story we can all relate to.

It is undeniable that Bruce Willis' character makes us laugh throughout the movie, but what makes Last Boy Scout special is how the witty one-liners actually affect the story and how he uses his wits to continue to stay alive--remember the movie's tagline.

Also, Bruce Willis' redemption through navigating his unstable marriage, whipping his coming-of-age daughter into shape and getting his life together is very compelling as a story any person can enjoy.

Whether it's for the action, the comedy or the storyline that's still pretty trim, this is a movie Bruce Willis makes truly special.

Daman Wayans' best movie too.


I thought Bruce Willis was good in the last boy scout

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


I like to call this film "Die Hard 2.5". There isn't much of a difference b/t this character and John McClane


Of the action movies that he has been in, no doubt, this is next after DH 1,2,3. The 6th Sense was also a very good performance for his career.


op said... "Best non-Die Hard franchise bruce willis movie?"

(i would agree that Pulp Fiction dont count , although it's a great movie i dont really count it as a Bruce Willis movie)

i personally would take ...

-1.Last Man Standing (1996) (9/10) (this movie is definitely better MUCH than it's 5.9/10 rating! as his character in this movie i thought was great and the feel of the overall movie and it has some nice moments in it)

(good gap here)...

-2.The Jackal (8/10) (im a pretty big hitman themed movie fan in general. Leon (1994) 10/10 is THE best hitman film though to date hands down!)
-3.The Last Boy Scout (8/10)
-4.The Fifth Element (8/10)
-5.The Whole Nine Yards (8/10) (pretty good movie for a 'comedy', which in generally i aint a big fan of 'comedy' type movies in general.. but this one was pretty good)

i could come up with a few more but i guess when i just looked through Bruce Willis's movie page on this site these are pretty much more stand out films in my opinion (give or take a little) if your not counting the die hard series.

p.s. i think "The Sixth Sense" is overrated! 7/10 at best.... and definitely not a memorable Bruce Willis movie especially if you generally like him in his typical action movie sense (like me).


I love The Last Boyscout but I've got to say that 16 Blocks is the most underrated movie Bruce Willis has ever done. I personally consider 16 more of a real Die Hard movie then Live Free or Die Hard. Great movie and it's too bad it tanked at the box office.


I agree, 16 blocks was a real good film.


Agreed. 16 Blocks is underrated.



Bruce Willis has done so many great movies it is not funny. Here are a few more that are excellent and rarely get discussed. 1: Death Becomes Her. 2: Lucky Number Sieven. 3: Striking Distance. 4: The Siege. 5: The Whole Nine Yards. 6: The Kid. 7: Blind Date. 8: Hostage. 9: Mercury Rising. 10: Red (agree there). The amazing thing about him is there are very few movies of his that stunk. 1: Vice (His WORST). 2: G.I. Joe Retaliation. 3: Catch 44. We know Hudson Hawk and Breakfast Of champions were not good, but not terrible.
These are my TOP 10 Bruce Willis Movies.
01: The Last Boy Scout
02: The Whole Nine Yards.
03: Die Hard With A Vengeance.
04: RED
05: Die Hard.
06: Striking Distance.
07: Lucky Number Sieven.
08: Unbreakable.
09: Die Hard 2.
10: Blind Date.


Actually, no. That would be The Fifth Element.


Are we talking about films were he was the lead character cos if we are then LBS would probably be the best one, however i preferred sin city and pulp fiction if it is films that he has stared in.



Are you lot *beep* crazy or what?

12 MONKEYS is the best film he has been in.... and his best performance BY FAR!

Watch the emotion in his face when he puts the radio on after kidnapping Railly.


I loved Sin City


Sin City
12 Monkeys
The Fifth Element

My vote history
