check out ebert's dumbass review

the early 90's were drab times? ha. He also goes on to say that the turtles were originated in a nintendo game and whines about how superman and wonder woman were cooler. I like Ebert and I thought the secret of the ooze was subpar, but this review is a travesty.


How could the same ass who gave beavis and butthead do america a thumbs up talk crap about a movie without two idiots on a road trip?

The Breather: Click.
Ms. Van Dyke: Did you hang up?
The Breather: No, I just said click.


Movie critics aren't able to discern their own opinion, likes and dislikes from objective critiquing of the film. I'm a creative writing major and the first thing they teach you is to always pick out a few positives to make sure you aren't judging purely on opinion. I remember his review of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian opened with the fact that he didn't like the idea of museum displays coming to life and whined about how he wished he were watching an Amelia Earhart documentary instead.


I totally agree with you. I used to read Ebert's reviews in the newspaper when I was in high school, and they were always negative. And he pretty much never gave a movie anything more than 2 out of 5 stars. And if he did give it more (like 3), it was for a movie that I didn't like the sound of. So, I learned to never go by Ebert's (or anybody else's really) reviews and to see for myself if I'll like the movie. Not every movie is made to have a deep story or be an Academy Award winner. Some are purely for fun and entertainment. =)



he even called the turtles reptiles. COME ON! everyone knows they are amphibians.


No, actually they are reptiles. Do yourself a favor and actually know what your talking about before you post nonsense.


do yourself a favor and stick to sucking dick for a living, orrrr learn sarcasm.


i cannot stand ebert. this review and that for the first movie are so poorly done he can't even get the origins of the ninja turtles correct. so they were first a nintendo game? for a "journalist" to overlook this major piece of information is just embarrassing.


I never liked his opions any way, forget him, i seen the movies he help make, return to the valley of the dolls only thing good about that movie , was the hot chicks. and their boobs


Eh, apart from the ignorance he displayed, it's just opinionated. I care not about the opinions of critics more than I care about the opinion of you.

Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.
