MovieChat Forums > AlienĀ³ (1992) Discussion > The hate for this movie is RIDICULOUS!

The hate for this movie is RIDICULOUS!

I liked this more than Aliens, saw the assembly cut first. The plot and design was interesting, the characters were strong and it expanded the world a little bit. It didn't tread on the original movie's toes either.. unlike Aliens with the stupid Alien Queen.

It had a real Super Metroid-esque vibe to it which I liked a lot, switched things up a little bit with the design.. and I liked how rough around the edges it was.

David Fincher is wrong to say *beep* about this movie. Even Charles Dance has come out and said he thinks it's better than Aliens.. I really don't get the hate. I accept Alien 3 as the true ending of the saga, Resurrection doesn't exist to me.


David Fincher can say whatever he likes about it. I understand it was hell to make, and can understand why he might be critical of it.

Personally, I really like it. Compared to the two most recent Alien films, it's a masterpiece. I can't rate it above either Alien or Aliens, though.


I love this movie as much as Alien and Aliens


Disagree, while I don't think it's by any means the worst film ever made, there's actually some really good ideas here but the execution was not good. Aliens is my favourite and I'm not one of those people that'll slander you for your own opinion but just think that it's a much better crafted movie.


and whose fault was that? At the end of the day, Fincher disowned this movie and all the fanboys followed suit. This is a great movie and no thanks to him.


Well yeah, you'd have to put the onus on Fox for fucking Fincher around so much and preventing him from doing his thing, but I wonder how different it actually would have been even if he did have more creative control. We'll never know for sure so all I can do is judge the movie on what we ended up getting, and it's not very good in my eyes.


the movie is great precisely because Fox meddled, you like everyone else, is just following a preconceived narrative. Let it go.,


What I meant to say is that Fincher's original vision for the movie may not have been very good either. I'm not riding his dick or following any preconceived narrative, I'm just reacting to what I saw in the movie we got, and I think it was pretty crap despite having some good ideas. Having said that it interested me enough to see what other people's thoughts are on it, and I'd appreciate you not being so condescending. If you like the movie fine, but don't go pointing fingers at me when you don't know me one iota.


David Fincher just randomly killing off Hicks and Newt, two of the most well regarded characters in filmed science fiction, was awful. It was just telling James Cameron, their creators, to go screw himself.

To me, the "Alien" movies are only the first two. The rest are okay to watch, but I don't think of them as "canon."


If Alien and Aliens didn't exist and this film was a standalone or the beginning of the series I think it would be far more liked than it is. Without those previous films you eliminate the emotional WTF moment at the beginning of the film that for a lot of the audience ruined the rest of it. The film has great atmosphere, the creature was deadly, good characters and cast, the ending is very emotional (though it would lose a little without the previous films). The biggest complaint is the effects work on the alien itself. But its kind of a trade off, as this creature was fast and deadly in a way that the previous films could not entirely capture with just the practical effects, but unfortunately you couldn't hide the fact it was an animated creature. I wonder if they did a special edition of this and replaced the creature with modern effects what a difference that would make for some people.
